Structural Officer of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB)


The second time the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UHW Perbanas participated in RAKERNAS AFEBSI

Wednesday, 28 August 2024     View: 683



The second time the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UHW Perbanas participated in the National Work Meeting of the Indonesian Private Faculty of Economics and Business Association which was previously held on February 13-14, 2023 in Yogyakarta. This time the second National Meeting was held in Cirebon on August 27-28, 2024 attended by Prof. Dr. Tatik Suryani, Psi, M.M (Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Chair of the AFEBSI Advisory Board) and Dr. Lutfi, S.E, M.Fin (Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business and Chair of the AFEBSI Education Regulation Review Department) and invited 130 Private Universities in Indonesia.
AFEBSI Rakernas 2 in addition to this event was officially opened by the Head of LLDikti IV West Java and Banten Dr. H.M. Samsuri., S.Pd., M.T IPU Present and remarks from the Chairman of AFEBSI (Achmad Rozi, S.E., M.M CPHCM). Chairman of the Board of Trustees Prof. Dr. Atang Hermawan, S.E., M.SIE. 
The series of activities on the first day of the Scientific Oration with the theme Synergy Building AFEBSI Excellence in facing Global Economic Challenges with Speaker Prof. Dr. Ir. H Achmad Faqih followed by the National Meeting. 


In this Rakernas II activity, it also realizes the previous Rakernas to be able to realize synergies between managers of the Faculty of Economics and Business of private universities in responding to strategic issues of education in the field of EMBA (Economics, Management, Business and Accounting and being able to become government partners in policy formulation and implementation. Issues regarding how to improve the competitiveness of graduates who excel at the global level, accreditation, lecturer integrity, and MBKM need to be responded to. This was realized by the presence and activities of the Lamemba Seminar by Prof. Dr. Ina Primiana and on the Second Day of the International Seminar with Speakers from Dr. Marlon Rael Astillero (Thai Global Business Administration Technological College, Thailand) and Dr. Avinash Pawar Dlitt PostDoc. Ph.D., MBA, BE (D.Y.Patil Intitute of Management Studies, India) as well as International Community Service Activities in Babatan Village Kadu Gede Kuningan Jawabarat by the two speakers. 


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