Structural Officer of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB)


Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas Organize A Meeting with Parents of UHW Perbanas Students in 2023-2024 Year

Saturday, 17 February 2024     View: 1077


SURABAYA - Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas returned with a new spirit to hold a routine event that has become an agenda every year on Saturday, February 17, 2024, namely the parents meeting. This event was attended by all parents of Perbanas students from the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Engineering and Design UHW Perbanas class of 2023.


This event is intended so that the parents of UHW Perbanas students and students class of 2023 are able to establish a closer bond with the UHW Perbanas extended family. Not only that, another goal is to introduce UHW Perbanas itself. "I think the activity of meeting parents with the UHW Perbanas academic community is a very good and positive thing because it can bring parents of UHW Perbanas students and students closer together to get to know UHW Perbanas, the place where our children study and pursue higher education." said one parent of UHW Perbanas Faculty of Economics and Business students.


This activity began with a traditional dance as a brilliant opening from the UHW Perbanas Dance UKM (Student Activity Unit). The parents of UHW Perbanas students were very enthusiastic and amazed by the opening dance performance. Then the event continued with the introduction agenda and an explanation of the implementation of education at UHW Perbanas as well as an introduction to the leadership of UHW Perbanas. This event provides a lot of important information about lectures at UHW Perbanas starting from explaining Access to SIORTU (Parent Information System for UHW Perbanas students), E-learning systems used by the University, E-mail, Financial Policies and so on related to the continuity of learning for UHW Perbanas students in the campus environment. Not only that, the parents were also provided with an explanation of the New Student Admission Program organized by UHW Perbanas itself.


The event went smoothly and was well attended by the parents of UHW Perbanas students until the end. The Dean of FEB and the Dean of FTD were also happy to be able to get to know the parents of the 2023 batch of UHW Perbanas students. "I am very happy with the enthusiasm of the parents of UHW Perbanas students who attended this event. Their trust in us as a provider of quality education at UHW Perbanas is very valuable to me, as the dean of FEB UHW Perbanas as well as all the other UHW Perbanas academic community. Hopefully UHW Perbanas can progress and succeed so that all UHW Perbanas students can achieve brilliant success." quoted from the conversation between the Dean of FEB Perbanas and the parents of UHW Perbanas students and students of class 2023.


Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas is confident in the future to continue to be an Excellent and Leading University.

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