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“Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas Faculty of Economics and Business Embarks on Candidacy Visit Toward International Accreditation with Dr. Laurie Yates from IACBE”

Monday, 18 September 2023     View: 1693

Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas Faculty of Economics and Business Steps Towards International Accreditation with Dr. Laurie Yates from IACBE

SURABAYA, September 18, 2023 - The Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas began an important journey towards international accreditation by hosting a historic Candidacy Visit Agenda event on Monday, September 18, 2023. The event was attended by Dr. Laurie Yates, a higher education expert representing the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) held at Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas.

This Candidacy Visit is an early stage in the international accreditation process that is highly coveted by the Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas. The event was attended by University leaders including the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, heads of study programs (Kaprodi), and a team of Lecturers who play an important role in curriculum preparation and education delivery.

During her visit, Dr. Laurie Yates met with university leaders to discuss their vision and commitment to quality higher education. She also interacted with the Head of Department, who is responsible for the curriculum and academic programs. These productive discussions helped clarify the steps to be taken to meet International Accreditation standards.

Aside from meeting with the leadership and Head of Study Program, Dr. Laurie Yates also spent time with the university's team of lecturers. She conducted an in-depth evaluation of the teaching, research, and community service methods carried out by these experienced lecturers. This evaluation is important in ensuring that the education provided by Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas is up to high international standards.

The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas, Dr. Lutfi, expressed optimism about the accreditation process. "We see international accreditation as an important step in improving the quality of our education. Cooperation with IACBE is a valuable opportunity to prove our commitment to high quality standards in business education," said Dr. Lutfi.

This international accreditation process also brings long-term benefits for students of Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas. With International Accreditation, degrees earned by students will be more valued on a global level, opening doors for employment opportunities and further study abroad.

Following this Candidacy Visit, Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University will continue to work hard to meet the requirements and standards set by IACBE. This international accreditation process will be an important milestone in the development of the University and strengthen its reputation at a global level.

Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas is committed to continuing to provide high quality education that prepares students to become future leaders in the world of Business and Economics. International Accreditation is an important step in realizing this vision.

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