CRISDA Curriculum Outreach Activities
Perbanas Hayam Wuruk University Campus
Thursday, December 8, 2022
Education that aims to produce quality graduates requires all institutions to implement systems and quality assurance that are appropriate in the learning process. Graduates from tertiary institutions now not only need to quickly integrate into the World of Business and Industry (DUDI), but also prepare themselves to face challenges and developments in the future. Therefore, there is a need for a close relationship (link and match) between the world of education and Industry, Business and Work (IDUKA).
Perbanas Hayam Wuruk University has a vision "To become a leading, superior and global-minded university that contributes graduates and knowledge to the nation's competitiveness". and the Faculty of Economics and Business as one of the existing faculties has a vision of becoming a leading Faculty of Economics and Business that has a competitive advantage in technology-based business and banking with a global outlook. To achieve this vision, all study programs within the Faculty of Economics and Business develop a curriculum that innovative, adaptive to change (adaptive) and able to collaborate with partners, both partners from industry and partners with domestic and foreign universities so that graduates have a competitive advantage.
As a response to the policy of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology regarding the implementation of the Independent Learning Campus Independent (MBKM) curriculum, the Chancellor of the University of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas issued Regulation no. 0057/kp.10000/09/2021 concerning Curriculum Policies in the context of implementing MBKM at Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University which is a reference for all study programs. Management Study Program under the auspices of the Faculty
Economics and Business is one of the study programs whose curriculum was last revised in 2019. In this curriculum, the learning outcomes of the study program are that graduates are able to manage a business by carrying out management functions (namely planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling) based on management principles (eg division of work) and organizational rules (eg asset depreciation methods). The learning outcomes are based on the profiles of management study program graduates who mostly work as staff or assistant managers in banks and insurance, company staff and entrepreneurs.
Various study program constraints in implementing government policies through the MBKM program require the study program to make changes to the curriculum in accordance with the MBKM program's policies, make guidelines and guidelines for the implementation of MBKM, and expand the network of cooperation with domestic and foreign universities as well as cooperation
with Industrial Partners. The current conditions of the management study program are (1) Students' ability to think critically and creatively is still lacking so that students are passive in class. (2) Students have participated in off-campus activities but have not been optimal in forming the strong character as expected, namely tough, tenacious and able to work hard. (3) The Management study program already has cooperation with several international universities, but it has not been used optimally to carry out Tri Dharma activities.
Based on the existing conditions above, the proposed activity is CRISDA Curriculum Development (Critical Thinking, Strong Character, and Dare to Make Technological Improvements) Towards a Leading Study Program.