Bachelor of Management


Webinar "Scope and Role of Pawnshop in Indonesian Economy"

Tuesday, 24 January 2023     View: 11660

Webinar "Scope and Role of Pawnshop in Indonesian Economy"

Pawnshop is a financial institution that is officially licensed to carry out its operational activities in the form of credit financing to the public in the form of channeling funds in relatively small amounts or large amounts on a pawn basis, as well as deposit services, appraisal services. Pawnshop's role, which is oriented to help and serve the needs of small-scale communities, really helps economic growth. As a non-bank financial institution engaged in the field of financing services, and with the main task of channeling pawn financing.

The condition of Covid-19 has had a very significant impact both in the monetary, social, economic and humanitarian fields. In the economic field, one of them, namely Pawnshops, was very affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021 as much as Rp. 9.6 trillion (= 12 tons of gold) BJDPL was auctioned which included 2.6 million Pawn accounts. Students at Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University must understand these issues in order to be able to analyze the opportunities as well as the challenges of procurement conditions that play a role in the Indonesian economy. For this reason, it is necessary to hold a webinar with the theme "The Role of Pawnshops in the Indonesian Economy" with an extraordinary source, namely Dr. Ferdian Timur Satyagraha, B.Com., M.Com (Director of Finance, Planning and Risk Management at PT. Pegadaian) guided by the moderator Prof. Dr. Abdul Mongid, MA., Ph.D.

The webinar implementation went well with various classes taking part, especially in the undergraduate management study program. The webinar is expected to provide new insights regarding the role of Pawnshops in the Indonesian economy. (Alda)

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