HR Staff Certification is a training program given to staff levels to develop human resources. This program aims to develop human resources, improve the competence of personnel to carry out human resource duties on a global scale. This program is licensed by the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP).
The obligation to have HR certification for personnel in the field of human resources has also been regulated in the Circular of the Minister of Manpower Number M/05/HK.04.00/VII/2019 which contains the mandatory implementation of competency certification for positions in the field of Human Resources.
The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas works together with the "Nusantara" Human Resource Management Professional Certification Institute as a provider of Human Resources (HR) Staff Occupational Certification services so as to assist participants in meeting competency standards set by the government.
The event was held at the Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University Campus in Room C301 which was attended by 109 students, where participants were prepared for competency exams in the field of HR Staff according to their interests and exams to be held on 03 and 10 December 2022.
“The benefit of the HR Staff certification is that it helps HR personnel to become HR management professionals with adequate mastery of theory and practice as a HR professional. That way, personnel are expected to be able to understand the scope of work and the dynamics of HR management with new approaches that are applicable. Said Mr. Iman as the Director of LSP MSDM "Nusantara".
"This will add value to personnel to compete in the global era as professionals who are ready to build and carry out human resource management with global standards." Add Mr. Faith. (Fino/FEB)