Hello buddy success !!!
Once again, the Faculty of Economics and Business at the Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University has won the National Competition!
Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universities Hayam Wuruk Perbanas Harfinsyah Ramadlana from the Diploma 3 Accounting Study Program won 1st place in the National Essay Competition in the 2022 National Level Essay Competition held by the Animal Husbandry Student Forum of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Gajah Mada with the theme "Application of Technology and Digitalization in Livestock Industry 4.0 Industrial Revolution Era in Indonesia".
The essay competition, which was held by the livestock student forum, presented various sub-themes in the competition, namely Socio-Economic, Livestock Breeding and Breeding, Livestock Production and Livestock By-products. The competition, which took the theme "Application of Technology and Digitization in the Livestock Sector in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 in Indonesia," was attended by students from various universities throughout Indonesia.
In this competition, participants have to go through several stages. Starting from the first stage, namely registration and collection of works. The next stage is the assessment by the jury of all the works that have been collected and the next stage is the announcement which is held in conjunction with the webinar activity. (Yonan / FEB). https://hayamwuruk.ac.id/index.php/id/content/diploma-3-akuntansi