UHW NEWS – One of the monthly events organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas Surabaya, is the Community Service Webinar (ABDIMAS) with the theme "Tips and Tricks for Understanding Accounting Software". This webinar received high enthusiasm from the participants, lecturers, to resource persons,
This can be seen from the large number of participants who joined the Zoom Media Community Service Webinar (ABDIMAS) with details of a total of 145 participants who registered consisting of several BPK members from several cities, then there were also teachers, students and lecturers. Plus 2 speakers (resources) and 2 people as MC and also moderator.
"Various formulas can return inaccurate results or errors. To help fix this problem, there are several troubleshooting techniques you can use." This was conveyed by one of the speakers for the Community Service Webinar, Riski Aprillia Nita, S. E., MA., CertDA. to participants in Zoom media on Saturday (25/6).
This webinar also received a lot of praise from the participants. "Thank you to the speakers and also the committee, the event is always successful, the webinar is cool and very useful," said Mr. Wahyudi Bachtiar, one of the webinar participants.
Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University, Prof. Dr. Tatik Suryani, Psi., M.M., appreciated all the participants who were enthusiastic about participating in the community service event entitled "Tips and Tricks for Understanding Accounting Software". He also invited SMA/SMK/MA equivalent graduates who have not yet made a choice, to take the opportunity to take part in the UHW Perbanas 2022 Scholarship Program. "Hopefully this webinar on determining future careers will provide benefits for all who follow it," he hoped. (Fino/FEB)