Profil Dosen

Gunasti Hudiwinarsih

Dra. Gunasti Hudiwinarsih, Ak., M.Si
Associate Professor
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Formal Education
  1. Bachelor in Accounting Faculty of Economics, Airlangga University, Indonesia (1985)
  2. Master of Finance, Faculty of Economic, Airlangga University, Indonesia (2005)
# Professional Certification
  1. Certified in Quality Internal Audit  (2016)
  2. SAP 01- Fundamental by Edugate (2007)
  3. AC 010 – Financial, Edugate (2007)
  4. Certified in Lead Auditor 9001;2000, (IRCA Certified) , WQA (2005)
  5. Financial Services Cooperative Instructor: Asset management and Cooperative Health Assessment, LDP-Financial Services Cooperative (2009)
# Professional Training
  1. Trainer for Quality Internal Audit (2017)
  2. International Conference: Outcomes-Based Internal Quality Assurance System (IQA) (2018)
  3. Training for Trainer on Risk Management Certification, held by Indonesian Indonesian Risk Professional Association (2023)
  4. Training Indonesia Accounting Standard held by Indonesia Accounting Association
# Professional Experiences
  1. Trainer financial reporting for SME
# Organizational experience
  1. Vice Rector for Human Resources, Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas (2021-2023)
  2. Vice Rector for General and Financial Affairs, STIE Perbanas (2018 – 2021)
  3. Head of Quality Assurance Centre, STIE Perbanas (2014 – 2018)
  4. Vice Rector for General and Financial Affairs, STIE Perbanas (2014 – 2018)
  5.  Ketua program studi akuntansi STIE Perbanas (2009-2010)
  6. Head of Quality Assurance Centre, STIE Perbanas (2008 – 2009)
# Expertise
  1. Financial Reporting for SME
  2. Budgeting
# Award & Recognition
# Publication
  1. LD Fitrani, NHU Dewi, Gunasti H, AK Riqqoh, L Purnamasari (2022) Pendampingan pembuatan dan implementasi konten social media campaign dalam meningkatkan Brand Awareness UMKM, GERVASI, Vol.6, No.2 ISSN: 2598-6155, hal 464-476
  2. E. Herlina, G Hudiwinarsih, SH Awan, Z Zakiah (2021) Peningkatan Kemampuan Wirausaha dengan Pendampaingan dan Pemberdayaan Kelompok Usaha Sablon “Salam” melalui Strategi Pemasaran Modern dan Job Order Costing, Jurnal Kemitraan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KeDayMas) Vol1, No,1, 25-34, ISSN: 2774-521
  3. Gunasti H,. (2020). The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility in Improving Corporate Value: Case Study of Public Companies in Indonesia, International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies Vol.9 No.3, 2020, ISSN:2417-4486,page 121-130
  4. Supriyati, G Hudiwinarsih, Muazaroh (2020) Pendampingan Pembukuan Sederhana Bagi Usaha Kerajinan Enceng Gondok dan UMKM Pemula di Surabaya, J-Dinamika Vol.5,No.2, pp 158-163, ISSN : 2503-1112
  5. Gunasti H (2019) Teacher Motivation of Corporate Social Responsibility in improving Corporate Value Case Study of Public Company in Indonesia, SMCC Higher Education Research Journal, Vol 6 no.1, 2019, page 49-66
  6. Mayke Kristika AP, Gunasti H (2018) Analysis of Factors that Influence Tax Avoidance and Firm Value, The Indonesian Accounting Review (TIAR) Vol..8, No.2, 2018, ISSN 2086-3802, page 203-215
  7. Iqbal Bagus Prakoso, Gunasti H (2018) Analysis of Variables that Affect Tax Avoidance in Banking Sector Companies in Southeas Asia, The Indonesian accounting Review (TIAR) Vol.8, No.1, 2018 ISSN 2086-3802, page 102-120
  8. Gunasti H, (2015) The Accounting students’perception towards accounting professions, The Indonesian Accounting Review Vol.5, No.2 ISSN 2086-3802,page179-186
  9. A Budiyanto, G Hudiwinarsih, The Effect of Corporate Governance, and Firm Size on Company, The Indonesian Accounting Review (TIAR) Vol.5, No.1, 2015, ISSN 2086-3802, page 63-76 

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