The 4th International Conference on Business and Banking Innovations was held on 29th January 2022 by virtual (online) zoom meeting and organized by the Master Management Study Program of Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas in Collaboration with five Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia and three Universities from Asia countries. Keynote speakers in this conference were: Chonlatis Darawong, P.hD (Sripatum University, Thailand), Associate Prof. Dr. Ellisha Nasrudin (University of Science, Malaysia), Dr. Sanju Kumar Singh (Postdoctoral Fellowship in Universitas Airlangga, Tribhuvan University Nepal) and Prof. Dr. Abdul Mongid, MA., P.hD (Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas, Indonesia).
Proceeding Book of The 4th International Conference on Business and Banking Innovations (ICOBBI) 2022
“The Strategy of Digitalization in Business for Gaining Competitive Advantages after Pandemic”
Co Host
Steering Committee
Dr. Drs. Emanuel Kristijadi, M.M.
Dr. Lutfi., S.E.,M.Fin
Dr. Basuki Rachmat, S.E., M.M.
Organizing Committee
Manager : Prof. Dr. Dra. Tatik Suryani, Psi., M.M.
Vice Manager : Dr. Ronny, S.Kom., M.Kom., M.H.
Secretary and Treasury : Dewi Aliffanti, S.E., Tanza Dona Pratiwi, S.E.
Publication and Proceeding : Aditya Ramadhani, S.IIP., M.A
Technology Supporting : Sumantri., S.Kom, Risky Andriawan, S.T., Anton Ghozali.,S.Kom.
Supporting : Muhammad Ilham
Editor and Layout
Daftar Isi
Accounting and Financial Management |
Page |
The Influance of The Level of Financial Literacy, Materialism and Impulsive Buying to Management Financial Behavior Students Master of Management in Surabaya Dominika Rosvita Amadea Tarung; Muazaroh |
1-7 |
The Effect of Perception of Confidentiality and Security, Perception of User Satisfaction, and Perception of Easy on The Implementation of E-Filling on Taxpayer Compliance in Submitting Annual SPT (Case Study at KPP Pratama Kebumen) Wicak Ari Wibowo; Tri Ciptaningsih |
The Effect of Attitude, Subjective Norms, Perceived Behavioral Control, And Tax Knowledge On Students Interest Who Join The Tax Volunteer Program For A Career In Taxation (Empirical Study In 2021) Dheanira Ayu Hapsari; Tri Ciptaningsih |
18-26 |
Differences in the Strength of Financial Ratios and Financial Distress of Transportation Companies in Indonesia During the COVID-19 Pandemic Era Ivana Oktarina Sopacua; Manggar Wulan Kusuma |
27 |
The Causes of Audit Report Lag Rusmawan W. Anggoro; Anita Kristiana |
28-34 |
Fluctuation Of Rupiah Exchange Value, Interest Rate And Changes In Share Price Hais Dama; Meriyana Franssisca Dungga |
35-44 |
Fraud Financial Statement Detection: Fraud Hexagon Model Analysis in the Financial Sector Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Shinta Permata Sari; Diana Witosari |
45-55 |
Attaining financial well-being: The essential effects of financial experience, status, and behavior Mochammad Zakariya Rosyid; Rr. Iramani |
56-66 |
Determinant Analysis Affecting The Level of Disclosure of Operations Segments (Empirical Study on Companies Consumer Cyclicals Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2019) Tetiana Fitrianingsih; Lintang Kurniawati |
67-75 |
The Effect of Asset Management, Leverage, and Free Cash Flow on Firm Value With Dividend Policy as Moderating Variable (Study on Consumer Goods Industry Sector Companies Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) 2018-2020) Awalia Endang Setyorini; Triyono |
76-84 |
Analysis of Factors Affecting Audit Report Lag Mining Companies Listed On the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2018-2020 Yuli Tri Cahyono; Cindy Elisa Putri; |
85-89 |
The Effect of Dividend Policy and Capital Structure on Company Value with Profitability as Mediation Variable in The Food and Beverage Companies Listed on The IDX in 2015 - 2020 Atikah Resiana Fildzah; Wiwik Lestari |
90-95 |
Factors Affecting Firm Value : Theoretical Study on Public Textile and Garment Manufacturing Company in Indonesia Cholis Hidayati; Lintang Puspitasari Wijanarko |
96-104 |
Principles and Agents: The Phenomenon of Agency Theory in The Business Sector and The Public Sector Maulidah Narastri; |
105-109 |
Company value of Indonesia State-Owned Enterprises during the Pandemic-Covid 19 Hwihanus; |
110 |
Financial Knowledge, Financial Experience and Income as Determinant of Financial Well-Being in Bali, Indonesia Mochamad Hanif Nuruddin; Rr.Iramani |
111 |
Behavior of Financial Management as a Mediation of The Influence of Financial Knowledge and Intention Behavior To Well-Being Family Finance Dewi Candra Purwati; Rr. Iramani |
112-118 |
The Effect of Fundamental and Macroeconomic Factors to Stock Return Aprilia Setiadi Lukas; Werner R. Murhadi; Arif Herlambang |
119-123 |
Balanced Scorecard Contribution to Business Strategy In PT XYZ National Shipping Company Yudith Agusta; Lutfi |
124-129 |
Analysis of The Effect of Current Ratio (CR), Return On Assets (ROA), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) and Net Profit Margin (NPM) on Stock Price (Empirical Study on LQ45 Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2017-2020 Period) Ice Diana; Erma Setiawati |
130-136 |
The Relationship of Sustainability Reporting Disclosure and Firm Performance, Risk, Value: Study on Banking Sub Sector Companies Listed Into Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Alfiana Mufti Ainuna; Rina Trisnawati |
137-146 |
Banking and Shari'a Banking | Page |
Stress Test of Financing Quality at Indonesian Islamic Rural Bank Using Montecarlo Simulation Uvy Dian Rizky; Abdul Mongid |
147-154 |
Macroeconomic Stress test of Credit Risk in Indonesian Banking using Monte Carlo Simulation Nanda Diyah Syarifah; Abdul Mongid |
155-162 |
The Effect of Credit Risk and Efficiency on Capital Adequacy With Proftiability as Intervening Variables. Mochamad Syafruddin Aji; Emanuel Kristijadi |
163-169 |
Analysis Of The Effect Of Inflation, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Operation Cost Of Operating Income, And Net Performing Financing On The Profitability Of Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia Rias Hasna Rosabila; Abdul Mongid |
170 |
The Effect of Liquidity Ratio, Asset Quality Ratio, Sensitivity Ratio, Capital Ratio and Efficiency Ratio Towards Return On Asset (ROA) on Foreign Exchange National Private Commercial Banks Oppi Putri Bunga; Muazaroh |
171-174 |
Planned Behavior Theory Testing (Case Study Of Financial Management In A Muslim Family In Sidoarjo) Wiwik Lestari; Desy Sanggita Fitriany; Merita Dwi Nandasari |
175-180 |
Does Competition Make Regional Development Banks More Efficient? Zunairoh; Werner Ria Murhadi; Bertha Silvia Sutejo |
181 |
Determinants of Indonesian Banking Profitability Sholikha Oktavi Khalifaturofi'ah; Achmad Saiful Ulum |
182-189 |
The Influence of the Britama Savings Marketing Strategy on Customer Satisfaction at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Batua Raya Makassar Unit Dhita Pratiwi Ar; Rini L;, Abdul Gafar Samalam; Halida Sasmita; Hafipah |
190-200 |
Business and Marketing | Page |
Social Media Marketing Activities, Brand Love and Brand Trust In Willingness to Participate Online (Co-Creation) with Satisfaction as Mediation Variable Amilia Jasmin Nabila ; Tatik Suryani |
201-204 |
The Influence of Social Media Marketing and Personal Selling on Purchase intention during the pandemic Covid-19: The Case of Discovery Property Agency Renaldo Giovanni ; Theresia Gunawan; Istiharini |
205-231 |
Factors Influencing Mobile Banking Adoption In Covid 19 Pandemic Period: The Mediating Role Of Behavioral Interest Noormalita Primandaru; Gita Nirmalasari Triyana; |
232-241 |
How Coolness Affects The Brand Image On The Vans Fashion Footwear? Nuning Kristiani; Andi Muntabilah Naida; |
242-248 |
Implementation of Digital Marketing & Knowledge Transfer of Hollandpark Permaculture Products Syamsul B Biki; Umin Kango; Vetty D Pulukadang |
249 |
Knowledge Management: Social Media & Public Knowledge About the Hazard of Mercury Dyah Ayu Nuraini; Mohamad Agus Salim Monoarfa; Andi Juanna |
250-254 |
Relationship Between Talent Management And Employees Performance: Case In Gorontalo Rizan Machmud; Raflin Hinelo; Tineke Wolok; Umin Kango |
255-261 |
The Effect Of Security, Responsiveness, Convenience, And Reliability Of Services On BRI Customer Satisfaction In Using Mobile Banking Bramantiyo Adhi; Ronny |
262-270 |
Impact Of Wfh In Surabaya City The Effect Of Workload, Employee Burnout On Work Life Quality And Employee Performance Nanis Susanti; |
271 |
Analysis Of Marketing Strategy, Product Quality And Service Quality To Repurchase Intention Sumiati; |
272-278 |
The Effect of Customer Satisfaction and Trust on Performance Expectancy and Word of Mouth (WOM) at Shopee Applications Users Annisa Eka Septiana; Tatik Suryani |
279-287 |
Does Brand Matter in Driving Purchase Intention of the Banking Services? Muhammad Alvin Juanda; Burhanudin |
288-295 |
The Effect of Perceived Quality and Value on Brand Trust of Express Delivery Services during Pandemic Covid 19 in Indonesia Fika Fahmi Firdaus; Yudi Sutarso |
296 |
The Determinants of Brand Equity in Banking I Made Gde Pasek Bagiartana; Burhanudin |
297-306 |
Entrepreneurial Intention for Students at Universities in Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia Bambang Kharisma; Irhas Effendi; Dyah Sugandini |
307-316 |
The Effects of Commitment, Perceived Quality, and Satisfaction on Brand Equity: The Medating Role of Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty Miftakhul Jannah; Burhanudin |
317-326 |
Behaviour Intention of Digital Banking Adoption UTAUT2 and Covid-19 Pandemic as Factors Popy Novita Pasaribu; Auzi Naufal Rabbani |
327-335 |
Factors Influencing Online Purchase Intention Through E-Commerce in The Millennial Generation Delta Sagita Riandana; |
336-345 |
Analyze of Customer Loyalty on Customer Oriented and Marketing Communication PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk. Verawaty; |
346-348 |
The Effect Of Experiential Marketing On E-Wom (Electronic Word Of Mouth) And Customer Value As Intervening Variables In Tourism Destinations Rawa Bento Kerinci Regency Jambi Province. Deci Fachrosi; Johannes; Sylvia Kartika Wulan B |
349 |
Human Resources | Page |
The Effect Of Leadership Style, Work Environment, Compensation On Job Satisfaction At Pt Pln (Persero) Sikka Regency Krisanty Natalia Mariani Parera, Emanuel Kristijadi, Tjahjani Prawitowati |
350-356 |
The Mediating Role of User Satisfaction in the Influence of Organizational Learning Culture and Online Learning Engagement To Net Benefit Outcome In Indonesia During Covid 19 Pandemic Period Heni Kusumawati; |
357-362 |
Emotional Intelligence And Apparatus Performance Muchtar Ahmad; Djoko Lesmana Radji; Hais Dama |
363-371 |
The Internalization of Patient Safety Culture in The Quality of Performance of Nurses in Different Generations of Nurses at The XYZ Hospital, Surabaya Sisilia Andri Soelistyani; Ika Yunia Fauzia |
372-377 |
The Role of Work Ability and Servant Leadership on Employee Performance in a TIKI Delivery Service Companies in Surabaya Siti Mujanah; |
378-384 |
The Effect of Organizational Commitment, Organizational Culture,Self-Efficacy on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as Mediator Literature Review and Proposed Model Vega Hardikasari; Burhanuddin; Emma Julianti; |
385-393 |
Determinants Of Millenials Employee Engagement In Indonesia: Systematic Literature Review Febby Ayu Ramadhani; Tatik Suryani |
394-400 |
The Effect Of Employee Engagement, Motivation, And Organizational Culture On Employee Performance During The Covid-19 Pandemic Ni Sheila Fairuz Ratnasar; Tatik Suryani |
401-404 |
Investment, Insurance and Capital Markerts, Information System, and Technology Management | Page |
The Effect Of Student Environment, Lecturer Environment, And Technology Dimensions On Software User Trust With Student Satisfaction As Intervening Variable (A case study of students taking ERP courses online). Prima Rosita Arini Setyaningsih; Lita Kusumasari |
405 |
Analysis of The Indonesia Capital Market Reaction to The Announcement Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) (Event Study on Companies. Said Setiandika Pambudi; Suyatmin Waskito Adi |
426-433 |
Technology Acceptance and Adoption of Mobile Application: A Systematic Review. Boonchai Wongpornchai; Chonlatis Darawong |
406-415 |
Efficiency Level of Malaysian Family Takaful Using Stochastic Frontier Approach. Labibah Salsabila; Zubaidah Nasution |
416 |
The Role of Locus of Control in Examination of Private Sector Employee Retirement plan Model in Surabaya. Ismawati; Rr. Iramani |
417-425 |
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