Boosting the Village Economy, UHW Perbanas Students Prepare a Cerme Business House in Nganjuk

Sunday, 29 August 2021     View: 6912

The Student Association of the Bachelor of Management Study Program (Himaprodi Manajemen) Hayam Wuruk University (UHW) Perbanas realizes village development and empowerment activities. They also came directly to Cerme Village, Pace District, Nganjuk Regency, East Java. This activity is the result of the Holistic Village Development and Empowerment Program Grant (PHP2D) from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.

UHW Perbanas PHP2D assistant, Achmad Saiful Ulum, S.AB., M.AB., said the activity was managed directly by the Management Bachelor student organization. This program will last for approximately 5 months, starting from last July to November 2021. “Here, students will make observations for the next week in Cerme Village, Nganjuk. They record MSMEs in each RW, then pioneers and business actors are gathered to be given guidance and empowerment in order to boost the local village economy," explained Achmad Saiful Ulum, Sunday (29/8).
Ulum continued, the mentoring process for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) begins with business management, business feasibility studies, marketing management, to increasing profits. These efforts are also aligned with the existence of the Cerme Village Owned Enterprise (BUMDes) so that the entrepreneurial spirit of the residents continues to grow. "In the future, we also want to establish the Cerme Business House as a forum for managing and educating MSMEs in Cerme Village," he added.

Meanwhile, Iking Eduan Saputra, S.E., as the Head of Cerme Village welcomed the program launched by UHW Perbanas Surabaya students. It also supports efforts to increase the income of its citizens through various types of businesses that are empowered with assistance from students. By doing so, it is hoped that the economy in the local village can be boosted properly and the role of existing BUMDes will be maximized.

It should be noted that the Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University student organization has won 5 proposals from the Ministry of Education and Culture's 2021 PHP2D Grants. They come from various student organizations, including: Student Executive Board, HimaProdi Bachelor of Management, UPKM Entrepreneur Club, Dance UKM, and Basketball UKM. They are spread to various rural areas in East Java. (eko/hms)

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