Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University Holds 6th International Conference on Business & Banking (ICBB)

Wednesday, 28 July 2021     View: 6374

University of Hayam Wuruk PERBANAS for the sixth time again held the International Conference on Business & Banking (ICBB) with a discussion on Research & Community Service (Research & Community Service). The difference with the previous implementation, this year it was held online using the Zoom Meeting media, on Wednesday, July 28, 2021.

After successfully collaborating with Warmadewa University Bali in 2012, Sri Pathum University Thailand in 2014, IAIN Mataram in 2016, and Undiknas Bali in 2018, the conference, which was held to share research in the field of Business and Banking, was held again in collaboration with STIE AUB Surakarta. and STIE Semarang as co-hosts.

Chief Organizer, Dr. Lutfi, M.Fin., said the 6th ICBB was attended by 50 researchers (academics) and 15 community services, from various universities in Indonesia and abroad such as Pakistan, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

In his remarks, he hoped that the conference would be useful and have a positive impact in providing solutions to economic problems. "Hopefully this ICBB can become a forum for researchers and academics from various countries to discuss, exchange ideas, and share research and service results in order to increase their knowledge. And secondly, it is expected to be able to provide solutions to economic and business problems, especially UMKM, which are currently in a slump as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic," he hoped.

Meanwhile, Dr. Yudi Sutarso, SE., M.Si as Chancellor of the University of Hayam Wuruk PERBANAS also hopes that this activity will continue as a place to contribute ideas and ideas in dealing with business and economic problems.

"We hope that the ICBB which has been held by the University of Hayam Wuruk PERBANAS for 6 times will continue to be sustainable because it is a forum for researchers and lecturers to continue to develop knowledge in the fields of business and banking in order to increase research in these fields. In addition, this forum should be used by academics and practitioners to collaborate," he concluded. (eko/ind/hms)


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