UHW Perbanas Gives SPMI Training at Wiraraja Sumenep

Friday, 11 June 2021     View: 7559

Quality Assurance Hayam Wuruk University (UHW) Perbanas is trusted to provide training on the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) at Wiraraja University Sumenep, East Java. Taking place online, the event was attended by all local officials and structural officials on Friday-Sunday, 11-13 June 2021. In this activity, the Head of Region VII East Java Higher Education Service Institution (LLDikti), Prof. Dr. Ir. Suprapto, DEA.

The Chancellor of UHW Perbanas, Dr. Yudi Sutarso, S.E., M.Sc., expressed his gratitude to the leadership of Wiraraja University for entrusting the quality assurance training. So far, UHW Perbanas, which was originally named STIE Perbanas Surabaya, has provided training on SPMI to a number of foster campuses for three consecutive years since 2017.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of Wiraraja University, Dr. Sjaifurrachman, S.H., C.N., M.H. said the importance of SPMI to increase the value of accreditation of study programs and universities. He invited all his staff to carefully understand the SPMI material presented by the resource person from UHW Perbanas.

On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Ir. Suprapto, DEA., opened the event via Zoom from his office. He conveyed, SPMI's important role in achieving better accreditation from study programs and universities. According to Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, Accreditation is an assessment activity in accordance with the criteria that have been established based on the National Higher Education Standards (Article 55 Paragraph 1). His party also detailed the distribution of the rankings of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) in LLDIKTI Region II East Java, namely: 7 PT accredited A; 94 PT accredited B; 92 accredited C; 6 accredited Excellent; 38 PT accredited Good, and 8 PT Not accredited.

The SPMI Document Workshop & Quality Document Preparation were delivered by reliable resource persons from UHW Perbanas. The speakers who filled out the activities included: Prof. Dr. Tatik Suryani, Psi., M.M., Dr. Lutfi, S.E., M.Fin., Dr. Luciana Spica Almilia, S.E., M.Sc., Dr. Nurul Hasanah Uswatun Dewi, S.E., M.Sc., Dian Oktarina, S.E., M.M., and Mochamad Nurhadi, S.Kom., M.M. (eko/hms)

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