National Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights

Saturday, 10 April 2021     View: 7605

Friday, 9 April 2021 Perbanas Surabaya through PPPM (Center for Research and Community Service) held a National Workshop with the theme "Tips and Tricks to Get Patents and Other Types of Intellectual Property from Research and Community Service Activities". The speakers at this event were Prof. Dr. Ir. Soeprapto, DEA. He serves as Head of LLDikti Region VII East Java. The event, which took place through the online media Zoom, was not only attended by Perbanas Surabaya lecturers but also attended by lecturers from the Perbanas Surabaya target campuses and lecturers from other universities. The event was opened by Mr. Dr. Yudi Sutarso, SE., M.Si as Chairman of Perbanas Surabaya. In his remarks, he conveyed that this workshop aims to enable lecturers to gain further insight into IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) so that it is hoped that the works of lecturers can also be patented.

The next session was the main event, namely the delivery of material from Prof. Dr. Ir. Soeprapto, DEA. He conveyed the ins and outs of Intellectual Property Rights. "IPR is a right arising from intellectual property rights produced by the human mind that produces a product or process that is useful for humans," he said. He further explained that patent-worthy inventions / findings must be new, contain inventive steps and can be applied in the industrial sector. IPR is divided into two, namely Copyright & Related Rights and Industrial Property Rights. Copyright can be in the form of papers, journals, songs, dramas and computer software. Meanwhile, Industrial Property Rights are divided into five, including trade secrets, industrial designs, integrated circuit layout designs, trademarks and patents. For example, Industrial Property Rights in the field of electronics are in the form of electronic circuit designs or trademark rights for a company logo. In addition, he also said that the process for obtaining a patent can be accessed through the patent.dgip.go.id website.

This workshop activity is an important agenda to help lecturers as the academic community in obtaining patents for works made and supporting lecturers in their Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi assignments. (gs / hms)

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