Through Online Media, Perbanas Surabaya Holds Discussions and Launches E-Marketing Books for SMEs

Monday, 22 February 2021     View: 6174

STIE Perbanas Surabaya continues to strive and innovate in order to improve the quality of learning in Indonesia. Through the Master of Management Study Program, STIE Perbanas Surabaya launched a book entitled "E-Marketing for SMEs". The book launching event was held online through Zoom media, last Saturday on February 20, 2021. In this event, not only book launching, but also a discussion and discussion on the contents of the book entitled "E-Marketing for SMEs".

The resource person for the discussion and book launching was the author himself. There are 3 authors of this book, of which all three are lecturers at Perbanas Surabaya. He is Prof. Dr. Tatik Suryani., Psi., MM, Mr. M. Nurhadi., S.Kom., MM, and Mr. Abu Amar Fauzi., S.S., MM. On the sidelines of his busy life in carrying out the tridarma of higher education, this great man managed to finish the book very well.

When asked about the contents of this book, the author conveyed that this book describes the basic concepts in marketing communication in the digital era, the challenges faced by companies including Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). "This book also describes consumers in the digital era. In the digital era, the increase in the millennial segment will affect the behavior of the previous generation of consumers," he explained.

This book is published by Jakad Media Publishing, with a book dimension of 15.5 x 23 cm and a thickness of approximately 262 pages. Readers who want to own this book can buy it for Rp. 85,000. This book is available in online marketplaces such as tokopedia, shopee, buk Bukalapak, blibli, lazada and on Jakad.id with the keywords "e-marketing book for SMEs," he added.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of Perbanas Surabaya, Mr. Dr. Yudi Sutarso, S.E., M.Sc., in his speech, expressed his deepest gratitude to the author who succeeded in completing this book. He also hopes that this will become a motivation and example for other lecturers to continue to innovate and achieve, even in the midst of a pandemic like today. Finally, he hopes that this book can be useful for the surrounding community because this book is very suitable for academics and practitioners who are concerned with the e-marketing marketing model. (yudha / hms)

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