Strategic Management Guest Lecture

Saturday, 13 October 2018     View: 7044

Strategic management is needed by a company or organization to achieve the expected goals. The reason is, management must be applied in order to determine the future according to the targets set. So far, strategic management has been closely linked in the many decisions made by top level managers.

To equip the competence of graduates to become professional managers, the Master of Management Study Program at STIE Perbanas Surabaya held a Strategic Management Guest Lecture on Saturday, October 13 2018. Located in Room B208, this lecture was attended by dozens of Strata 2 (S2) students from batch XXII. On this occasion, the speaker who was presented by the General Manager of PrimeBizHotel Surabaya, Dr. Drs. Yusak Anshori, M.M.

During the lecture, the speaker explained the importance of strategic management in a company or organization. According to him, strategy is the synchronization of goals and resources. He also explained several terms in strategic management, including: Michael Porter, SWOT Analysis, Sustainable competitive advantage, Five Porter Troops, Vision and Mission, Competitors, Differentiation, Cost Leadership, and Goal Setting.

Furthermore, Dr. Drs. Yusak Anshori, M.M., introduced a basic model in strategic management. The basic model he conveyed includes: (1) Scanning Environment; (2) Strategy Formulation; (3) Strategy Implementation; and (4) Strategy Evaluation and Control. In addition, Strategy Formulations that need attention include: Vision and Mission; Destination; Strategy; and Policy.

Khusnul A'yun Maisyaroh, one of the Master of Management students who attended the Strategic Management Guest Lecture, admitted that this guest lecture is very necessary because students can know the application of theory to real business practices. "This activity is more balancing between theory and application in the real world of business, one of which is by holding a guest lecture like this," said Khusnul.

This student of class XXII gets additional knowledge about setting up a business according to the circumstances. After the lecture, he began to think about his product compared to similar products from other parties. "The first thing to think about in setting up a business is what differentiates our products from other similar products. So, we can know what advantages our competitors do not have, "the impression of the student of the Financial Management concentration. (Andy / Eko.r)

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