2018 Achievements: Arina Wins Best Research Proposal Award 2018

Friday, 07 December 2018     View: 5829

STIE Perbanas Surabaya students are able to prove their quality in the national arena. This is evidenced by the achievement obtained by Arina Dyah Puspitasari, namely the Winner of the Best Research Proposal category. This victory was obtained from a competition organized by the HSBC Indonesian Research Award (HIRA) 2018. Appreciation in the form of coaching money and trophies was given directly to him in Jakarta, December 5 2018.

Contacted after the event, Arina said she was shocked because she had never won the award. He took advantage of the opportunity to broaden his horizons and knowledge in order to have better competence. "At first impression, I was really surprised. I've never been awarded an award like this before. Alhamdulillah, I got a chance to be a winner. I can meet and talk with smart people, ”the impression of this hijab girl.

Arina was also invited to meet and a number of lecturers were surprised because she was still a student. This is because the participants who attended the event were dominated by lecturers from various campuses in Indonesia. "Many lecturers from all over Indonesia came. So, I admire myself because on average those who get awards are lecturers. So, I feel proud and grateful, ”he said.

Meanwhile, the research proposal that won him the winner was entitled "Review of Contracts for Sale and Purchase and Khiyar on the Maslahah Perspective Bukalapak Site". This proposal is a collaborative research study with two friends under the guidance of Dr. Ika Yunia Fauzia, Lc., MAY. "The titles of our research are different but include collaborative research on market places," he explained.

The third of four children, he plans to publish his research in an international journal. In addition, in the near future he will complete his thesis so that he will immediately graduate from the Bachelor of Sharia Economics. "I have thought, to further publish this proposal," he added.

This girl who graduated from SMA Hang Tuah 2 Sidoarjo hopes to achieve again by following other award proposals. "Hopefully, I want to participate in the award proposal again with another proposal title. And, interestingly, I will be able to meet smart people again. In the future, I also want to continue my education at S2, "hoped Arina. (Tail)

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