Service of Himapas MM STIE Perbanas Surabaya at SD Negeri Wonosalam 1 Jombang

Saturday, 01 February 2020     View: 7464

After being inaugurated in the middle of last January, a number of administrators of the Master of Management Student Association (Himapas) of STIE Perbanas Surabaya realized community service programs. This first work program was realized by educating hundreds of elementary school students (SD) Negeri Wonosalam 1, Jombang Regency.

Right on Saturday, February 1, 2020, this service was commanded directly by the Chairman of Himapas, Totok Gunawan. The administrators who participated included: Anis Fitriani, Citra Putri Ramadani, Dyah Ayu Dwiyanty, Kiki Marti Diana, and Itsnani Maulida Rohmawati. Then, the Head of Administration for the Master of Management Study Program, Dewi Alifanti, S.E. present to accompany and monitor during the activity.

With the theme "Creative Economy Development in the Millennial Era", Totok Gunawan also conveyed motivation in front of local students. He also invited these elementary school students to study hard and be enthusiastic about reaching their goals. In addition, they were trained to make handicrafts from beads, such as: bracelets, necklaces and rings. The students seemed enthusiastic about making crafts. "The enthusiasm of the Wonosalam 1 State Elementary School students is extraordinary. They like to make crafts from beads, some asked for more materials to make crafts for the second time, ”he explained.

After the craft-making process is over, local students are asked to show and display their work for the assessment process. Finally, three of the best beaded crafts were awarded.

It should be noted, this service program is realized through the 2020 Joint Try Out Program (TOB). These activities include student activities in the context of developing soft skills to form a winning mentality which is followed by first year students. (mm / hms)

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