Book Review on Corporate Social Responsibility in Indonesia

Monday, 23 September 2019     View: 8993

Monday, 23 September 2019, the Master of Management Study Program at STIE Perbanas Surabaya held a Book Review on "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Indonesia" written by Prof. Dr. Suhartono, M.M., Prof. Dr. Tatik Suryani, Psi., M.M., and Dra. Lindiawati, M.M. Taking place in the Seminar Room Campus 1, this book review invited discussants from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Prof. Madya Dr. Revaany Bustami. In addition, a number of banking practitioners, academics, and students also attended the discussion of the book by the master management program lecturer.

Deputy Head of Academic Affairs, Dr. Emmanuel Kristijadi, M.M., in his speech said that he was very grateful to the Master of Management Study Program which is actively working, in this case in the form of book publishing. He stated that one of the lecturers' duties was to disseminate their ideas, this could be by writing books. He also hopes that this book review activity will run well and be useful for all academics, practitioners, and students.

One of the authors, Prof. Dr. Suhartono, M.M., explained that his book was prepared as a form of output from research funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education for multi years or two years. In fact, this book is a collaborative CSR implementation in banking and marketing concepts, as well as management concepts.

"This book, for myself, talks more about the implementation of CSR in banking and Prof. Tatik provides marketing concepts about the implementation of CSR as part of a marketing process or strategy. And then, Mrs. Lindi is a management expert. So the three of us concoct it as an external, "he explained.

He continued, Indonesia's CSR has not been carried out intensively and has not become an obligation. In his book, the author tries to suggest that CSR becomes an inherent responsibility of the company. "For that we suggest two enforcement of the existing regulations. The rules themselves are completed according to existing needs and dynamics. Then, the rule must be mandatory, "he said.

Then, Prof. Madya Dr. Revaany Bustami conveyed that large companies must understand in terms of financial reports and socisio reporting. The challenge for the company today is how to only increase the value of the company, but also the value of the community and its environment. "Both are very important. Therefore, it needs to be appointed as a community identity corporation," he explained. (eco / public relations)

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