Forming Self Character, Perbanas Library Holds Contest for Students

Sunday, 01 September 2019     View: 8280

The formation of self-character can be applied to various activities. As implemented by the library of STIE Perbanas Surabaya for students aged 6-12 years. Exactly Saturday, August 31, 2019, dozens of Elementary School (SD) students from Sukolilo District and Rungkut District, Surabaya City took part in a Coloring Competition and a Drawing Competition. Located at the Campus 1 Library, this event is a form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program in order to shape the character of students so that they know the library as a source of accurate information.

Librarian STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Dio Eka Prayitno, S.Sos., Said that this competition is usually held by the library. In addition, the library held these activities as a means of competition for students. The previous year, the library of STIE Perbanas Surabaya had also invited students to watch films and library profile videos so as to improve their literacy. In fact, the Community Reading Gardens (TBM) in Sukolilo and Rungkut Districts were also involved in realizing this service program.

"This year, per TBM sent 2 children to take part in the competition. From Sukolilo there were 12 TBMs and Rungkut there were 17 TBMs. So there are 58 children who participated in this competition, "said Dio on the sidelines of the activity.

He continued, this time the Coloring and Drawing Contest carried the theme "Saving". The Coloring Competition was followed by students aged 7-9 years, with a template for the BI Corner building and the STIE Perbanas Surabaya Library. Meanwhile, children aged 10-12 years are given the freedom to create. They can use pencils or crayons to express a predetermined theme. "Each category will be selected as 1st place to 3rd place winner and 1st runner up to 3rd runner up," he added.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Library of STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Munawaroh, S.Sos., M.Sc., added that he wanted to invite TBM in their environment to be advanced and innovative. He has also developed various community service programs since 2016, starting from SD, SMA / SMK, to TBM in the Surabaya area.

"The hope is that the library will not only act as an ivory tower. When our library advances, our environment must also advance. The role of libraries is not just the circulation of books, but there are basic characters in reading, writing, to the use of social media. The role of libraries is very big, "he concluded.

It should be noted, apart from coloring and drawing competitions, the Library of STIE Perbanas Surabaya also held a Workshop on Management of TBM: Digital Literacy in Self Character Creation. The participants were also representatives of TBM managers in the Sukolilo District and Rungkut District, Surabaya City area. (ek0 / public relations)

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