Two Student Teams of STIE Perbanas Surabaya Passed the XXXII PIMNAS in 2019

Wednesday, 31 July 2019     View: 9932

In 2019, the seeds of innovative STIE Perbanas Surabaya students began to develop again. This is because the best business and banking campus in Indonesia has successfully sent 2 (two) student teams to compete at the national level in the 32nd National Student Scientific Week (Pimnas) at Udayana University, Bali, Tuesday-Saturday, 27-31 August 2019.

The two student teams came from the categories of Entrepreneurship Student Creativity Program (PKM-K) and Community Service Student Creativity Program (PKM-M).

For the title of PKM-K, which passed the 32nd Pimnas, namely "Tesabu Hair Mask" The Utilization of Fish Oil, Vegetables, and Fruits as Natural Hair Masks in Caring for Hair Health, by Koesma Malika Ika K., Elissa Qotrunnada, Aga Sinar Yustika, Melly Dwi Yanti, and Destria Fara Adelia.

Meanwhile, for PKM-M with the title Empowerment of Art Skills in Kampung Ludruk in Mojokerto, East Java to Boost the Economic Income of the Surrounding Community. The work came from Diploma 3 Program students, namely Anggi Diah Pitaloka, Meilia Anggorowati, Davi Ramadhani.

After hearing the news, Anggi Diah Pitaloka felt very grateful to be able to make STIE Perbanas Surabaya proud in the national arena through the Pimnas event. His team and the team have started to prepare again and fix some things that were felt to be lacking when participating in External Monev some time ago. The student team under the guidance of Supriyati, S.E., M.Si. Ak., CA. CTA., It also prepares presentation materials and activity videos.

"Passing this is the success of the team, Davi, Meilia, Mrs. Supri as mentors, our partners, and also STIE Perbanas Surabaya who have supported them very well. Currently we are in installment of the final report and drafting a presentation and video concept, "said Anggi. (public relations)

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