Increase Competitiveness, Perbanas Equips Graduates With Risk Management Certification

Saturday, 08 July 2017     View: 7871

In the midst of intense competition for human resources, each university continues to innovate to equip graduates in various forms. One of them is competency certification in the banking sector in the form of risk management certification. This is what is focused by the Bachelor of Management study program at STIE Perbanas Surabaya in producing quality graduates.

On Saturday, July 8 2017, 38 Banking Management students took the Level 1 Risk Management Certification Exam. This activity aims to equip students so that when they graduate, they will not only have a diploma, but they also have a professional certificate. According to the Head of the Bachelor of Management Study Program, Dr. Muazaroh, SE., MT., This risk management certification is very important for workers who are engaged in banking, especially for senior bank officials. "This Risk Management Certification has levels, starting from level 1 to level 5," he explained.

He added that the risk management certification exam (Manrisk) being attended by students was held by the Banking Professional Certification Institute (LSPP). This exam participant has been in the 5th batch since 2015. The study program also accommodates the wishes of alumni who wish to take this exam.

Of the participants who took the risk management certification exam, more than 80% of them passed and received a professional certificate. "This certificate is issued directly by the LSPP. So, they really get recognition from the authorized institution of the banking profession," he added.

Dr. Muazzaroh, SE., MT., Hopes that by getting this certification graduates can immediately get a job so as to shorten the waiting time for graduates and can increase the average salary of graduates because they have superior competitiveness.

This was also what one of the students taking the exam wanted, Bachtiar Eka Kaca Sungka who wanted to graduate with a competent title and later made it easier for him to get a job. "In my opinion, this certification is very important because to face the world of work, we will not only be armed with a bachelor's degree, but we need proof of capability in the form of a risk management professional certification so that we can work as desired," Bachtiar hoped.

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