Cultivate Religious Tolerance in Students, Creating a Peaceful Indonesia

Saturday, 10 June 2017     View: 9170

In the midst of the SARA issue that has spread in Indonesian territory recently it could trigger a split in the unity of the Indonesian nation. So far, the issue of religion has been a strong ingredient in destroying the harmony of the Indonesian people. Therefore, every citizen needs to be instilled in an attitude of religious tolerance so that he has a strong fortress when he gets an irresponsible issue.

Following up on this, STIE Perbanas Surabaya held a public lecture on the importance of religious tolerance in the nation and state in Indonesia. The campus which is located at Jalan Nginden Semolo 34-36 Surabaya is sensitive to the many recent cases of racism that can cause tolerance to collapse. Students, as the nation's next generation, should uphold tolerance so that they take a Public Lecture entitled "Inter-Religious Tolerance in Human Rights (HAM) Perspective", on Saturday (10/06) in the Hall of Campus 1 STIE Perbanas Surabaya.

On this occasion, invited speakers were interfaith figures. Those who delivered material on religious tolerance, among others: I Ketut Arta (Hindu Religion Leader), Dr. Kunawi Basyir, M.Ag. (Lecturer at the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy at UIN Sunan Ampel, Islamic Religious Leaders), and Yhanto Tampubolon, M.Th (Christian Religious Figures). More than 300 participants consisting of students and lecturers teaching the Religion and Citizenship Education courses attended to take part in the event.

Deputy Head of Academic Affairs, Dr. Drs. Emanuel Kristijadi, MM., Conveyed by Djuwito, S.H., M.Hum, said that tolerance needs to be emphasized in a diverse community or country. In Indonesia, everyone has the right to embrace one religion so that they have the confidence to guide their life. "Diverse religions make tolerance an important part of socializing. The importance of all of us being tolerant by creating equal rights for all human beings around us, "said Djuwito.

Meanwhile, the participants seemed enthusiastic about listening to the explanations given by the speakers. In the middle of the material given, one of the sentences spoken aloud by all participants and all who participated in the event aloud and enthusiastically was saying "I am Indonesia and I am Pancasila". This is proof that we all do not need to distinguish one from another. (Kristina.r)

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