Self Assessment Test, Prepare More Competent Graduates

Saturday, 29 April 2017     View: 8044

Along with preparing STIE Perbanas Surabaya graduates who are ready to work and compete in the global world of work, Perbanas Career Center (PCC) as the career development unit for STIE Perbanas Surabaya students holds a routine event designated for final semester students who will graduate, namely Self. Assessment Test.

The activity which was held on Saturday 29 April 2017 took place in room B 301, B 302 & D305 at STIE Perbanas Surabaya. In this psychotest training, the participants were given a test which they had to complete in several stages and the time set by the instructor.

A total of 100 participants from among the final semester students took the Self Assessment Test. This Self Assessment test activity aims to measure the talents and potentials of competencies and the personality of each individual. What's interesting about this Self Assessment Test is that the results that have been done by the participants in doing the psychological test training will be announced later. So, participants can measure the talents and potentials that match each individual.

One of the participants of the Self Assessment Test, Sofia Rahmawati, admitted that after participating in the Self Assessment Test, I could find out about the psychological test questions which I had not previously obtained, I hope that the knowledge I gained today will be useful when I will take a written test in the company selection later. . (Eka.r)

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