Action to Care for Ormawa STIE Perbanas for Cancer Patients
In Indonesia, breast cancer cases are among the highest cases of death. This is very concerning considering that the number of cases has reached 21.5 in every 100,000 cases. Seeing this condition, the Student Organization (Ormawa) of STIE Perbanas Surabaya moved to take care in encouraging breast cancer sufferers with social action. A total of 21 ormawa joined to hold a social action called One Week Charity (OWC). This fundraising activity to care for cancer patients was carried out for a week, starting from March 5-11 2017. With the theme "Make The World Colorful With Charity", the activity aims to invite academicians to care for cancer sufferers.
Andrew Yudi Wicaksono, said that this activity began with an opening ceremony which was held at Campus 2 STIE Perbanas Surabaya on Sunday, March 5, 2017. At least 800 students participated in the action to care for breast cancer. "At the opening, the students made a paper mob that read One Week Charity 2017 and on the other hand, it showed the STIE Perbanas Surabaya logo," said Andrew as the chief executive.
He added that the action to care for cancer was carried out by performing performances from talent, creativity, to entertainment from students who are members of the ormawa STIE Perbanas Surabaya. They provide various performances, ranging from dance, music, drama, dancers, and so on. "Starting from that we collect funds to donate to the Foundation Reach to Recovery Camar Sidoarjo," he added. (Robih / r)
On the night of the peak of the action to care for cancer, representative of the Reach to Recovery Camar Sidoarjo Foundation, Mrs. Irianti, received directly the results of the fundraising conducted by Ormawa STIE Perbanas Surabaya. A donation of IDR 20,789,000 was given directly by the Deputy Head of Student Affairs and Cooperation, Dr. Sasongko Budisusetyo, M.Sc., to Mrs. Irianti in front of the visitors who were present on the campus yard 1 of STIE Perbanas Surabaya. "We are very grateful to STIE Perbanas Surabaya students who have given this contribution to us. Hopefully your concern will get a blessing from God and later this donation will be useful for breast cancer sufferers, "said Irianti.
Meanwhile, Dr. Sasongko Budisusetyo, M.Sc., said that he hoped the donation would be beneficial for cancer sufferers. "Apart from that, we also have to keep and care for our bodies on a regular basis in order to stay healthy," he said when giving his speech.
Apart from giving donations, the students of STIE Perbanas Surabaya were also given inspirational stories from former cancer sufferers who made it through a critical period. Then, Dr. Bob. J. Octavianus from the Sidoarjo Oncology Hospital gave tips so as not to tolerate bad habits. "Don't you ever underestimate bad habits that are trivial in nature, because bad habits if done continuously will have extraordinary effects," he concluded.