PASSION 2017 An Event To Introduce Indonesian Culture With The Paskibra Movement

Sunday, 12 February 2017     View: 8922

Indonesian culture can be preserved in various media. Through the Baris-Berbaruis (PBB), Indonesian culture can be introduced beautifully and easily accepted by the younger generation, especially junior high and high school students. For this reason, Sie Paskibra STIE Perbanas Surabaya held an annual PASSION (Paskibra STIE Perbanas Competition) on Sunday, 12 February 2017. Located at Campus 2, this event was attended by junior high and high school students throughout East Java.

Manager of Sie Paskibra, Dita Aprilia said that this activity is routinely held every year. In this seventh year, the theme raised is Indonesian culture. The 2017 PASSION was attended by at least 25 platoons of high school students and 16 platoons of junior high school students. "The reason for carrying the theme of culture is because we want to preserve Indonesian culture so that the younger generation will love Indonesian culture more. Later, they will compete for 27 championships, including rotating trophies from the East Java Dispora and the Governor of East Java, "said Dita. He continued, the championships in question, among others: High school general champion (East Java Dispora trophy), Junior High School General Champion (East Java Governor Cup), 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place, 1st place intermediate, 2nd place middle, 3rd place intermediate, Champion 1 Bina, 2nd Place for Bina, 3rd Place for Bina, Best High School Costume, Best High School Variation, and Best High School Danton.

Each platoon of these paskibra troops consists of 15 members and 1 platoon commander (danton). They feature 2 types of movement, first the official marching movement and the second the variation movement. In presenting various movements, each platoon is required to bring out the culture that is owned by the Indonesian state, from dances, colossal dramas, theatrical acts, to regional clothing. Each platoon can also be accompanied by regional to modern music so that it enlivens the variation movement, starting from the songs Cublak-Cublak Suweng, Manuk Dadali, Anoman Obong, Goyang Dumang, Numb (Linkin Park), and so on.

One of the platoons from SMPN 12 Surabaya wearing traditional Javanese clothing in the form of brown batik-patterned jarit. They performed a piece of a colossal drama which tells the story of Roro Jonggrang. The crowd's cheers also welcomed their dexterity and discipline in creating marching lines. Meanwhile, the platoon from SMAN 8 Surabaya wearing Madurese clothing performed a combination of martial arts movements and lines of marching in front of all the visitors.

"We hope that this PASSION competition can foster a competitive spirit for junior high and high school students so that in the future they will have a disciplined and responsible attitude," hoped the Deputy Head of Student Affairs & Cooperation, Dr. Sasongko Budisusetyo, M.Sc., when giving a speech and opening the PASSION 2017 event.

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