General Lecturing Banking Outlook 2017

Monday, 14 November 2016     View: 6271

STIE Perbanas Surabaya always provides a forum for students to deepen their knowledge of business and banking. One of them is by holding a public lecture related to banking conditions with the theme "Banking Outlook 2017". Taking place at the Auditorium Campus 1 of STIE Perbanas Surabaya, this public lecture presented the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Muliaman D. Hadad, PhD., On Monday, November 14, 2016. Hundreds of participants attended this event, including bank officials. , academics, and local students.

Muliaman D. Hadad, PhD., Said that currently the Indonesian economy is experiencing significant pressure from the dynamics of the global economy. Especially the fall in world commodity prices and the weakening economy of China, which is Indonesia's main trading partner. However, in the banking sector, he assessed that the current banking condition is still very good, especially with the increasing thickness of capital to anticipate the various risks that exist. "Banking conditions are relatively good with a positive direction, seen from the increase in the Banking Condition Indicator, supported by the increase in CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio), improvement in the financial sector stock price index, and the relatively declining PUAB (Interbank Money Market) interest rate," he said in his lecture. the general.

In general, OJK sees the potential of the national banking industry to remain open in 2017, including: first, the potential for a large banking business with a large domestic market supported by government economic policy regulations in various economic fields. Second, government infrastructure development projects that require banking services (financing). Third, banking products that are still relatively traditional have the potential to become increasingly complex. Fourth, low inflation opens room for Bank Indonesia to lower its benchmark interest rate, which in turn results in low lending rates. Fifth, low interest rates have the potential to increase bank credit amid a relatively improving domestic economy. "The last thing, namely banking profit which is quite high, thus attracting investors' interest, and the Tax Amnesty policy which has resulted in quite a lot of capital inflows which are quite large to Indonesia," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Dr. Lutfi, SE., M.Fin., Is pleased that this important official at OJK can be present at the business and banking campus which is located at Jalan Nginden Semolo 34-36 Surabaya. "The hope is that after attending this lecture, we will get benefits, especially regarding information on banking conditions next year. Thus, all Pertamina managers, bankers, academics, and students can work hard according to their respective duties in order to increase Indonesia's economic growth, "he hoped. (Robih / Eko)

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