Equip the Readiness of Prospective Graduates of STIE Perbanas Surabaya with Job Preparation Programs
In order to produce graduates who are able to compete competitively and have superior competencies in the business and banking sector, the progress of STIE Perbanas Surabaya is unquestionable. Through the Perbanas Career Center (PCC), STIE Perbanas Surabaya holds an annual routine event, namely the Job Preparation Program (JPP). This event aims to equip prospective graduates to be more mentally and insightful before entering the world of work. Within one year, nearly a thousand prospective graduates received JPP material divided into 3 groups. Finally, the event will be held on Friday and Saturday, October 14,15,22 2016.
Located at the Auditorium of campus 1 STIE Perbanas Surabaya, guests who were presented at the Job Preparation Program came from professionals in the business and banking fields, namely Perbanas HRD Club. In fact, alumni of STIE Perbanas Surabaya who are successful in running a business also share experiences, including: Yudi Kurniawan Lastanto, SE, (Sales Promotion Manager of PT. Nestle Indonesia, Regional East Java, Bali Nusra), Mega Maharani, SE., (OCBC NISP), and Raydan Atma, SE, (Entrepreneur). On that occasion, the alumni provided various stories of experiences from college to work and self-motivation.
In addition, the students were given provisions on strategies to pass the selection to become prospective employees, starting from making application letters, facing psychological tests, to how to deal with interviews. The presenters also came from professionals, including: Dra. Psi. Indira Winduningtyas, Dra. Psi. Tjahyani Prawitowati, MM., And Drs. Djoko Purwanto, MM. One of the participants, Nur Ghaziyatul Iffah, said that the Job Preparation Program held by STIE Perbanas Surabaya opened students' insights about reality when facing employee candidate selection. "Here, I learned about tricks or strategies for answering questions during interviews and was given a comprehensive picture of the recruitment process faced by job applicants so that we know the atmosphere when applying for a job," he explained.
The Chairman of Perbanas Career Center (PCC), Chitra Laksmi Ritmaya SE., MM, said that this event can be said to be important because prospective graduates are equipped from an early age. "This Job Prepration Program event is very important to reach out and provide learning how to prepare Curriculum Vitae (CV), as well as how prospective graduates will move successfully by doing things with clear goals, being diligent, competent, commitment, patience, honesty, honesty. , Clear heart, clear mind, cool head through right mental attitude, ”he explained during the event. (Selly / Eko)