Dissemination of Risk Management for Bank BPR Lamongan Officials

Saturday, 13 August 2016     View: 7551

Financial Services Authority (OJK) regulations in the banking sector continue to change from time to time. Moreover, regulations related to risk management have now been stipulated by the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 18 /POJK.03/2016 concerning the Implementation of Risk Management for Commercial Banks. Based on these regulations, all commercial banks must implement a risk management system including Bank BPR Lamongan. In order to increase understanding of risk management, BPR Lamongan held an event "Socialization of Risk Management for BPR Bank Daerah Lamongan" on Saturday, August 13 2016. Located in the PD BPR Lamongan Building Hall, the event was attended by the Director of PD BPR Lamongan and at least 50 BPR officials. local.

Director of PD BPR Lamongan, Ir. Munif Syarif, MM., Said that the existence of this BPR in the Lamongan Region helps local communities by providing business capital so that they are more creative and developing. According to him, BPR as part of regional banking certainly requires an understanding of the risk management system implemented by the OJK. "Although only as a BPR, we need to understand and understand the risk management system implemented by the OJK. So, we will take advantage of this socialization to improve the performance and quality of service, which will make BPR Lamongan more attractive to the people of Lamongan itself, "he said when giving a speech and opening the event.

On this occasion, the dissemination of risk management material for Bank BPR Lamongan officials was delivered by STIE Perbanas Surabaya lecturers through the Center for Applied Business and Management (CABM) Unit. The Head of the CABM STIE Perbanas Surabaya Unit, Anggraeni, SE., M.Sc., gave an introductory material on the fundamental understanding of risk management systems in the banking world. Recently, risk management needs to be implemented in a number of financial and banking institutions in order to prevent company failure if a certain event occurs. Risk Management is a series of methodologies and procedures used to identify, measure, monitor and control risks arising from all of the Bank's business activities.

Furthermore, the material on understanding risk management was provided by Drs. Ec. Abdul Mongide, MA., Ph.D. He is a graduate lecturer at STIE Perbanas Surabaya. In the socialization, his party explained the scope of risk management, including: Credit Risk, Market Risk, Liquidity Risk, Operational Risk, Legal Risk, Reputation Risk, Strategic Risk and Compliance Risk. All of these need to be considered by all financial institutions and banks in order to comply with the provisions set by the OJK.

Meanwhile, all Bank BPR Lamongan officials who were present as participants listened to risk management material carefully. They ask several questions if they still do not understand the material presented by the speaker. It is hoped that this activity will be a solution related to increasing the competence of the risk management system for all Bank BPR Lamongan officials. Later, this activity will be carried out in a sustainable manner according to the needs determined by the parties concerned. (Eko)

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