Train the Management of ORMAWA STIE Perbanas through the LKMM event

Tuesday, 28 June 2016     View: 7173

After the inauguration of the Student Organization (Ormawa) management, STIE Perbanas Surabaya rushed to hold Student Management Skills Training (LKMM). Located in the Campus 1 Auditorium, dozens of Ormawa administrators participated in the activity starting with a pre test. This is intended to explore their knowledge and understanding of the management of an organization.

This training took place in two different places. At the STIE Perbanas Surabaya campus, this LKMM will last for 4 days, starting from 28 June - 1 July 2016. Meanwhile, outside the campus it will be held starting on 22 July 2016.

On that occasion, they received various materials, including: Ethics and Etiquette of Student Union, QA and Students Organization Audit, Legal Aspect and Guidance of Student Organization, Conflict and Negotiations, Leadership, Technique of Preparing Proposal Work Program, Treasury Administration Technique, Dynamic Group, Secretariate Administration Technique, Technique of Preparing Final Report, Public Relations Technique, Student Organization: Direction and Policy, Student Organization Perspective, Agreement of Student Organization Learning, and Agreement of Student Organization Learning. This time LKMM, STIE Perbanas Surabaya has invited the Director of JTV, Ali Murtadlo, SH., MM., To convey knowledge and material about Public Relations Technique.

Chairman of STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Dr. Sasongko Budisusetyo, M.Sc., CA. CPA., CPMA., (Assistant to the Head of Student Affairs & Cooperation) when opening the event said that this LKMM activity was given to student administrators to improve competence and soft skills. "Through Ormawa, you can later become agents of change for reforming the leadership of the Indonesian nation for the better, because leadership knowledge cannot be obtained from lectures, but through organizational activities," he said to the Ormawa board.

Meanwhile, the Entrepreneur Club Manager, Ahmad Rizki Zainal Mustofa, felt that this activity was very useful to support Ormawa activities. "The materials presented by the speakers enlightened me when later designing and running programs in Ormawa," he explained. (Eko)

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