Mix Method is Solution of Research

Saturday, 18 June 2016     View: 7750

Perbanas Surabaya STIE never stops to facilitate students in increasing competence to provide convenience in solving course difficulties. As was done by the Master of Management Study Program on Saturday (18/6) held a Public Lecture with the theme "Public Lecture, Mix Method = Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Research". Taking place at the Auditorium of Campus 1 STIE Perbanas Surabaya, the event was attended by hundreds of local students, ranging from undergraduate to Masters students.

Public lectures were held with the aim of improving academic abilities, especially in the field of research methodology. For undergraduate programs, this research method material is useful for enrichment in the discussion, while for the master program it is useful for enriching discussion and decision making in an institution where the S2 student works. Head of the Master of Management Study Program, Prof. Dr. Tatik Suryani, Psi., MM., Said that the event was given to students across study programs. "The Mix Methods public lecture program is not only for Masters students who are working on a thesis, but also for undergraduates who are preparing a thesis. I hope you pay attention to the material presented and apply it to your research, "he explained in his speech.

This public lecture activity presented speakers from experts who were experienced in research. The figure in question is the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Christian University of Satya Wacana Salatiga, Prof. Christantius Dwiatmadja, SE, ME, Ph.D. The event hosted by Dr. Dra.Ec. Iramani, M.Si. (Lecturer at STIE Perbanas Surabaya) started with an introduction and continued with ice breaking delivered by the speaker.

To attract the enthusiasm of the participants, the speaker took the initiative to provide ice breaking in the form of questions that reflect a person's personality through the media of images, namely triangles, squares, Z letters, and circles. Based on the results of the answer voting, the majority of public lecture participants chose a circle, according to psychologists it describes the type of person who is trustworthy, socialized, jokes, and hypersexual. Suddenly the answer made laughter and raised the enthusiasm of the audience to understand the material to be delivered.

This man who was born in Denpasar delivered detailed material about quantitative and qualitative research in terms of reasons and ways of making research. He also described inspirational figures who inspired the research, including: Hofstede, an 86 year old Dutch figure who made research in the field of culture with 116,000 respondents in 50 countries. According to him, the student's life or routine should increase the activity of reading journals. "Read a lot, know a lot, forget a lot. Read a little, know a little, forget a little. Don't read, don't know, don't forget. This brilliant idea comes from reading, listening, and taking notes, ”said Prof. Christantius.

Basically, the difference between qualitative and quantitative research lies in the timing and purpose of use. For example, qualitative research is used when it deals with interactions with other people, whereas quantitative research is used to interpret, illuminate, and illustrate. Apart from the time and purpose elements, the difference between the two types of research can be seen in terms of questions that must be kept in mind when making research. This is the strength of both types of research. Prof. Christantius concluded that the difficult research is quantitative research because it has to examine perceptions by assessing leadership. Meanwhile, qualitative research stops at mini theory or model making which will be re-tested by others.

The participants' curiosity was quite high, as evidenced by a number of participants asking questions through a question and answer session. Participants who asked questions included Rahmat Fajar, Bambang Indriawan, and Dwi Karyayuris. One of the questions raised by Dwi Karyayuris, "What if you use the quantitative method with the 7P marketing mix method related to online transportation problems with a short time challenge?" The speaker also answered, in qualitative terms it must be checked using the triamulation method by checking the source of the information and ensuring the validity of the information by asking the respondent, namely the driver and filtering information that is important, correct, and accountable.

Before the event ended, Prof. Christantius also expressed his pride in being able to attend STIE Perbanas Surabaya with a better and more enjoyable atmosphere. "This is my second time to STIE Perbanas Surabaya and I am happy with the enthusiasm built by STIE Perbanas students," he explained.

It is hoped that the implementation of this public lecture can help students determine the appropriate research method. "Hopefully this public lecture activity will answer the confusion experienced by students in making theses and theses, so that this lecture will be of benefit in the future," hoped Dr. Dra.Ec. Iramani, M.Si. (Denis / Eko)

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