ISO audits

Tuesday, 22 September 2015     View: 7205

Currently, I will now work again for STIE Perbanas Surabaya, apart from holding a Risk Management Certification Exam Preparation Training also holding a Risk Management Certificate Program Refresher training. This training was held thanks to the collaboration between STIE Perbanas Surabaya and the Risk Management Certification Agency (BSMR) and the Banking Professional Certification Institute (LSPP). Officially, the two certification bodies have appointed the Center for Applied Banking Management (CABM) STIE Perbanas as one of the training providers as the organizer of the Risk Management Certification Refresher Program.

This training was held on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 at the Postgraduate Room of STIE Perbanas Surabaya. This refresher program was attended by well-known foreign banks, namely ANZ Bank and Commonwealth Bank. The selected speakers are speakers who are experts in banking and risk management, namely, DR. Abdul Mongide, MA, Prof. DR. Wilopo, MSi, Ak and Anggraeni, SE., M.Si.

The participants were enthusiastic about each other because each of the materials provided gave participants curiosity to continue to ask questions and deepen the material. These materials were about the Evalution of Risk Profile, Understanding FRAUD in the Banking Industry, and Understanding Credit Risk in Assessing the Soundness of a Bank. By participating in this refresher program, it is hoped that in the future the banking industry in Indonesia will be more advanced and healthy because it is managed by reliable bankers. Thus said Anggraeni, SE, MSi as the person in charge of the refresher program.

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