Taekwondo Athlete STIE Perbanas Surabaya Wins 1 Gold and 8 Silver

Monday, 22 April 2019     View: 8965

The Taekwondo Student Activity Unit (UKM) STIE Perbanas Surabaya once again made the campus proud. This is because Taekwondo athletes won championships in the Surabaya Mayor's Cup Taekwondo Championship, 19-21 April 2019, yesterday. The contingent from STIE Perbanas Surabaya won 1 Gold Medal and 8 Silver Medals.

The student who won the gold medal was named M. Ismail Hasan. Then, the eight students who won silver medals, among others: Elvira Oktaviani, Putri Ayu Ratih Ningtyas, Faqualia Agustya, Julian Farrel Marcellino Putra, Tiffany Octavia Khansaq Wicaksono, Mochammad Firman Ardiansyah, Isnaeni Nur Rohmah, and Devi Vera Wati Br. Sinurat.

The Taekwondo Student of STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Laely Aghe Africa, S.E., M.M., admitted that he was very proud of the achievements of his mentor. Thanks to the hard work and efforts they put in while practicing, they finally produced proud results and should be appreciated by the entire academic community.

In fact, being contacted after receiving the news, his party was touched by the results obtained by his mentor. So far, he has always motivated all athletes to be diligent and persistent in practicing. "In the past, achievement was dominated by seniors only, but thank God the younger students had evenly achieved their achievements," said Laely.

Regarding future programs, his party continues to strive for the best things for Taekwondo children at STIE Perbanas Surabaya. One of them is realized by providing a training place to holding joint training. "For the short term, we will make joint exercises," he concluded.

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