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Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas and Perbarindo Establish Cooperation

Tuesday, 30 January 2024     View: 698

Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas and Perhimpunan Bank Perekonomian Rakyat Indonesia (PERBARINDO) officially confirmed their cooperation through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which took place on the campus of UHW Perbanas on January 29, 2024. The MOU signing ceremony was attended by the Rector of UHW Perbanas, Dr. Yudi Sutarso, S.E., M.Si., Prof. Dr. Dra. Tatik Suryani, Psi., M.M. (Vice Rector Bid. Academic), Dr. Supriyati, S.E., Ak., M.Si. (Vice Rector Bid. Resources), Dr. Lutfi. S.E., M. Fin. (Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business), Dr. Ronny, S.Kom., M.Kom., M.H. (Head of the Master of Management Department), Dr. Anggraeni, S.E., M.Si. (Lecturer and Head of RPL Implementation) and the entire UHW Perbanas Representative Team, which consists of the Integrated Laboratory, PCC, cooperation, and International Office, along with representatives from PERBARINDO. 

This MOU covers various forms of cooperation, including campus hiring, seminars and public lectures, training/training/practicum/internship/work practice and the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) program. This cooperation is expected to provide tangible benefits for both parties and produce graduates who have a competitive advantage in the world of work.

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