Art Expression Through Collaboration: Perbanas Hayam Wuruk University Visual Communication Design (DKV) Department Successfully Organizes Purwa Rupa 1.0 Exhibition
On January 17-19, 2024, students of the Visual Communication Design (DKV) Department at Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas showed their creativity by organizing the Purwa Rupa 1.0 Exhibition. The three-day exhibition held at Wisma Jerman Surabaya succeeded in attracting visitors’ attention with a variety of innovative and inspiring visual works. This activity is a form of realization of cooperation with UPN Veteran East Java, Nahdlatul Ulama University Sidoarjo, Asian Institute of Technology and Business Malang, and Wisma Jerman. The exhibition carries the theme of Gotong Royong Desain, which emphasizes collaborative activities in work.
The exhibition was also attended by Prof. Dr. Dra Tatik Suryani, Psi., M.M., as Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Mr. Moch. Nurhadi, S.Kom., M.Kom. as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Design, Mrs. Dr. Luciana Spica Almilia, S.E., M.Si. as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Mr. Miftahul Adi Suminto, S.Sn., M.Medkom. as Head of the Visual Communication Design Department, as well as representatives from the cooperation partners involved. This fine arts exhibition is not only a showcase of student work but also a place to explore creative concepts and ideas through collaborative activities of Departments with other campuses.