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Collaboration with the Department of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, and Trade of Tuban Regency, Promoting Digital Marketing

Thursday, 07 September 2023     View: 1017

Training/orientation for SMEs was also conducted by the Domestic Collaboration Research Team of UHW Perbanas in Tuban Regency on Wednesday (06/09/2023) at the Meeting Room of the Tuban Regency Regional People’s Consultative Assembly (MPP). This event received support from the Department of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, and Trade of Tuban Regency and involved 50 SMEs in the regency. Representatives were present and delivered a warm welcome at the beginning of the event.

In this orientation, the topic discussed was “Winning the Competition in the Digital Market,” aimed at raising awareness among SMEs about the importance of utilizing digital media to expand the reach of their products. The training material was presented by Mrs. Dwi Irnawati, S.E., M.M., a lecturer at Universitas Bojonegoro, who is a research partner of UHW Perbanas. In addition, five students from the two universities also participated as the organizing team in the event.

The event was considered impactful and provided insights to SMEs. Although some SMEs have been using social media to promote their products, the practical implementation is not yet optimal. Similar activities are expected to be carried out again in the future.


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