UHW Perbanas Lecturers Assist MSMEs to Improve Product Quality

Saturday, 11 November 2023     View: 832

After being declared a recipient of the Partnership-Based Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Development Grant for 2023, a number of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University lecturers began to carry out mentoring activities. This time, there are 2 MSMEs that will be assisted, namely UMKM DessertandChill and UMKM Ar-Roya Catering and Cake.

On Saturday (11/11), the UHW Perbanas Community Service (PkM) Team provided assistance to DessertandChill MSMEs which are located at Semolowaru Elok I/7 Housing in Surabaya City. The lecturers who carried out the service there, among others: Dr. Muazaroh, S.E., M.T., (Head of the Grant Team), Dr. Supriyati, S.E., Ak., M.Si., Chitra Laksmi Rithmaya, S.E., M.M., Miftahul Adi Suminto, S.Sn., M.Medkom., Mohammad Al Hafidz, S.Kom., M.Kom., and Ari Cahaya Puspitaningrum, S.Kom., M.Kom.

According to Dr. Muazaroh, S.E., M.T., each assisted MSME has different problems. In DessertandChill MSMEs, there is a lack of production capacity, marketing limitations, and management that is still being carried out.

"We offer solutions to various MSME problems through various coaching activities. This activity is approximately 2 months long. The solutions we provide are in the form of: training to increase the capacity of MSMEs, providing production facilities and infrastructure, developing digital marketing, and managing MSMEs that are integrated with E-Business applications," explained Muazaroh, who also serves as Head of the UHW Perbanas Research and Community Service Center.

Anita Rahmasari, as the DessertandChill business actor, welcomed the offer presented by the UHW Perbanas lecturer. Since the Covid 19 pandemic, he has felt less productive when running a business. Moreover, the equipment is also inadequate to increase production capacity.

"This offer from UHW Perbanas is very helpful for our business. Because with the partnership that was established, it made it easier for me to advance my business. I was also helped with branding and making packaging that attracts consumers," said Anita. (PR)

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