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UHW Perbanas Faculty Members as Visiting Professors at a Thai University

Friday, 25 August 2023     View: 1160

Three faculty members from UHW Perbanas had the opportunity to deliver lectures on economics and business at TGBC Thailand. This activity is a realization of educational collaboration between the two universities. The first lecturer was Dr. Yudi Sutarso, S.E., M.Si., who presented a lecture titled "Marketing to Indonesian Gen Z: The Characteristics and How to Sell to Them?" Thirty students actively participated in the session held on Friday (04/08/2023).

The second visiting professor session took place on Friday (18/08/2023) with the topic "Accounting Profession in Indonesia", presented by Ms. Lufi Yuwana Mursita, S.E., M.Sc., CA, CPMA. International students from TGBC, originating from Myanmar, attended this session. The final session, conducted on Thursday (24/08/2023), was delivered by Mr. Abu Amar Fauzi, S.S., M.M., Ph.D. International students again participated in the session, gaining insights into "How to Maximize Social Media for Business Purposes?: A Lesson Learned from Indonesian SMEs."

The visiting professor program reflects the relevance of UHW Perbanas faculty members' competencies and interests on an international scale. Additionally, this initiative aligns with UHW Perbanas' vision to become an outstanding, leading, and global university. UHW Perbanas aims to enhance the quality of education and teaching with a global orientation through the visiting professor program.


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