Initiation of Collaboration between UHW Perbanas and Fasnas Boss Indonesia
On Wednesday (17/05/2023), UHW Perbanas received a visit from Fasnas Boss Indonesia (FBI), an organization facilitating the utilization of OSS (Integrated Electronic Business Licensing System) for the public. This visit aimed to initiate and discuss plans for collaboration between UHW Perbanas and the FBI. The visit and discussion took place in the Meeting Room of UHW Perbanas Leadership.
FBI serves as a platform for national facilitators who understand and are competent in businesses' legal and certification processes. Since its inception on August 9, 2021, when Indonesian President Joko Widodo launched OSS RBA, the FBI has been instrumental in helping SMEs obtain free NIB (Business Identification Number) legality throughout Indonesia.
In addition to the Rector, the FBI visit was also welcomed by Mr. Ikhwan Kholid, S.Pd., M.S.M, and Mr. Reza Tianto, S.Si., M.MT. (both lecturers at UHW Perbanas), as well as Ms. Lufi Yuwana Mursita, S.E., M.Sc., CA, CPMA (Head of Cooperation Department of UHW Perbanas). Representing FBI were Mr. Ari Prabowo, S.T., CF.NLP., C.HLC. as the Director and Gus Heri as the caretaker of Mukmin Mandiri Sidoarjo Islamic Boarding School, facilitating the collaboration process.