ITS Mandala Jember and UHW Perbanas Collaborate to Improve Higher Education Quality

Wednesday, 08 November 2023     View: 2865

Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University received a study visit from Mandala Jember Institute of Technology and Science. Located in Room C401, this activity aims to synergize and collaborate between campuses in advancing higher education in Indonesia.

These two campuses, namely UHW Perbanas and ITS Mandala have similar experiences related to the process of transforming the form of higher education. UHW Perbanas was originally a high school and turned into a university in April 2021. Meanwhile, ITS Mandala was originally a high school and became an institute in July 2022.

Rector of ITS Mandala Jember, Dr. Suwignyo Widagdo, S.E., M.M.  M.P., admitted that he was very grateful for the extraordinary welcome. He said, UHW Perbanas became one of his references to go to when he wanted to build higher education governance, including in quality assurance activities.

"We used to be here when we were still STIE Perbanas. And now we also come here again to meet and establish cooperation at the same time. When I was still managing my master's degree, I also met Prof. Tatik and Mr. Lutfi," he said when starting the cooperation discussion on Wednesday (8/11).

When opening cooperation opportunities, there are a number of points discussed by both parties. The discussion began with the data migration process due to changes in the form of higher education, the challenges of student recruitment, to the implementation of quality assurance policies from the highest level to the faculty or study program.

Meanwhile, the Rector of UHW Perbanas, Dr. Yudi Sutarso, S.E., M.Si., was honored that his campus became a reference point. He also wishes that as a university it is natural to move forward together to improve the quality of education.

"After the signing of this cooperation, we can discuss the details of activities that can be collaborated. So our campus will be able to move forward together," Yudi explained during the opening remarks of the study visit.

At the end of the discussion of cooperation, a number of points were agreed to be intensively worked on by both. Namely, the implementation of internationalization of students for double degree activities and cooperation with campuses abroad. (PR)


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