Wildan and Anggi Became Ambassadors for Perbanas 2019

Thursday, 14 February 2019     View: 8437

Wildan dan Anggi Jadi Duta Perbanas 2019STIE Perbanas Surabaya, through the Student Executive Board (BEM) and Student Representative Body (BPM) held the Next Leaders' event 2019 on Thursday (02/14/2018). Located in Campus Hall 1, this activity was attended by the top 20 Campus Ambassador Ambassadors selected for the Grand Final session.

The Chief Executive, Dita Febrianti, said that the event was opened in the third year. Initially, management of the next leader was still limited to the ability of students in the field of knowledge and leadership. At present, they must manage their abilities more complicated. Therefore, all of these finalists must go through several selections before entering the grand final. "All finalists must go through selection, starting from administrative selection, interviewing, to quarantine drunkenness," explained Dita Febrianti.

For administration, this Perbanas Ambassador finalist must meet several criteria. Involvement, minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 and have achievements, both in academic and non-academic fields. In addition, during the interviews the finalists had to use English and complete the case.

Furthermore, Dita explained when the Quarantine took place, the top 20 selected finalists received material, called: Personality, Leadership, Knowledge and Communication Skills. In fact, they were taught to dress up in one of the beauty products in Surabaya through Beauty Class to Cat Walk.

With the theme "Know the road, the road, show the way", the Ambassador of Perbanas 2019 Election was different from what had happened. According to Dita, this year is more than just a combination of traditional and modern concepts with non-formal batik provided by each finalist. "All of these finalists are competing for the title of Perbanas 2019 Ambassador, Couple Runners, Favorite Ambassadors, and Friendship Ambassadors," he added.

During the grand final, all finalists walked on the red carpet. They also answered questions given by the jury. In fact, each finalist must show his talents, such as dancing, pencak silat, painting, singing, presenters, and many others.

One of the finalists, Nabilasshabira displayed his talent by writing. With less than 5 minutes, this new finance D3 Banking and Finance likes to be painted since childhood. Interesting paintings also attract the jury's attention with the abstract concept of twilight scenery. "When I was in middle school I never participated like this. The hope is to win and I will be able to provide 3R innovation, namely Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, "he hoped.

The awaited moment arrived. For the Pair of Perbanas Ambassador in 2019 pinned to Wildan 'Ubaidillah N. and Anggi Diah Pitaloka; The Runner up pair of Perbanas Ambassador 2019 was won by Reza Agus Rivandi and Khairina Trie Hastuti, Favorite Ambassadors received Ismail Muhammad Hadi and the Ambassador of Friendship pinned to Restu Isgiarto. (Eko.r)

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