Career Planning Webinars Are Right To Fly
To achieve life goals requires a careful planning. Everyone also needs to determine the purpose of their respective lives so that in carrying out daily activities they have meaning so that whatever they aspire to can be realized. In determining the purpose of life, this must be accompanied by a personal vision which is an integral part in achieving a happy life.
This was conveyed by one of the speakers for the Community Service webinar, Dr. Emma Julianti, S.E., M.M., to viewers on Zoom on Saturday (16/4). He also illustrates someone who is seen as having success and wealth by others, but has not yet found happiness. Because the person does not have a purpose in life so that it takes meaning in life (meaningfullness).
"This afternoon, the discussions that we convey include: Life goals and Personal Vision; Knowing Your Strengths; and Developing Personal Values," he explained.
Emma continued, in recognizing and developing our own strengths, we must first understand the definition. Self-strength is the ability to consistently perform the best in every activity. When it comes to career development, of course, we must recognize our talents by combining skills and knowledge.
Then, the second resource person Dr. Tjahjani Prawitowati, M.M., Psychologist, added that while pursuing a career in the world of work, social skills and mathematical abilities are needed which have important opportunities in the 2020-2030 job market. "These social skills, such as persuasion, mediation, negotiation, emotional intelligence, conditions with other people, services, as well as teaching and training will be needed by the industry beyond technical skills," added Tjahjani.
Then to set career goals, he suggests first identifying short-term and long-term plans in one's career. "The career goal statement must be stated clearly, outlining the type of profession or field of work that the individual wants to achieve throughout his career," he explained.
Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University, Prof. Dr. Tatik Suryani, Psi., M.M., appreciated all the participants who were enthusiastic about participating in the community service event entitled "Where Are You Going After Graduating? Right Career Planning - Career Shooting". He also invites SMA/SMK/MA equivalent graduates who have not yet made a choice, to take the opportunity to take part in the UHW Perbanas 2022 Scholarship Program. (eko/PR)