SUPERIOR Accredited Master of Management Study Program from BAN-PT


Latest Report on New Student Orientation Activities for Class XXXI

Monday, 28 March 2022     View: 4718

The Master of Management Study Program at Hayam Wuruh University Perbanas formerly STIE Perbanas Surabaya again held a New Student Orientation (ORMABA) on campus for Class 31 online via Zoom Meeting. This is done because the covid pandemic has not gone away so that in anticipation of no new clusters will arise. New student orientation for class 31 will be held on Saturday, March 19, 2022, 08.00 – 14.00 WIB. This activity is routinely carried out every semester as a form of campus introduction to students. In addition to the introduction of the campus in this Ormaba activity, there are also several activities, namely an explanation of the lecture process, the use of e-learning & madepkulon facilities, a library and sharing from Himapas.

ORMABA activities begin with self-introductions of students and lecturers as well as study programs. There were several lecturers who attended the occasion including Prof. Drs. Ec. Abdul Mongid, MA., P.hD, Prof. Dr. Drs. Ec, Suhartono. MM, and Dr. Basuki Rahmat. During the introduction of students, the reasons for continuing their education at MM Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University were also conveyed. Various reasons were given, including seeing the accreditation of superior study programs, besides wanting to increase relationships, support careers in the workplace and increase competence. The event was more interesting with remarks by Prof. Dr. Tatik Suryani, P.Sc., MM as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Hayam Wuruk University, Perbanas. In his remarks he said that there is a need for synergy between universities and students in achieving the vision and mission in order to have a competitive advantage in the business and banking sector with a global perspective and remain superior. In addition, there was also a brief welcome from the Head of the Master of Management Study Program, Mr. Dr. Ronny, S. Kom., M. Kom., MH. Before proceeding with the material, there were several lecturers who conveyed messages to make the participants more enthusiastic.

The next event was the first material by Dr. Ronny, S.Kom., M.Kom., MH regarding the Introduction to the Master of Management Program followed by material on student development. The next material was the introduction of Himapas which was delivered by Maf Tuhul Fuad, the new Chairman of Himapas. The next material was Financial Administration by MM Staff Tanza Dona Pertiwi, SE, then continued by Introduction to Libraries and about the Use of SIMAS and E-Learning by Mr. Moch.Nurhadi, S.Kom., MM.

The ormaba activity this time left a very extraordinary impression, because it was carried out online and in the midst of an unfinished pandemic, the spirit of carrying out master's studies was still enthusiastic. The event ended with filling out the attendance list and announcements of student lectures. (TDP)

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