Isra, Won 1st Place Ahead of His Birthday

Sunday, 13 March 2022     View: 5514

Coming to his 19th birthday on March 14, 2022, Muhammad Isra won 1st Place in the G64 Senior Poomsae Festival. He achieved this achievement when he participated in the Negeri Sembilan International Online Tae Kwon Do Championship on Friday (11/3). Reported on the Youtube Channel Jakarta at the festival, this student from the University of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas admitted that he was happy to be able to reach the peak of this achievement.

"I am happy and proud because the efforts that have been prepared so far have not been in vain," Isra's impression when contacted by the campus press after the championship.

This student who was born in Pare-Pare also admitted that it took a long journey to get success in the Tae Kwon Do martial arts field. So far, the first preparation he has done is to seek information and learn from seniors who have experience in participating in Tae Kwon Do championships. "The biggest obstacle when preparing is fighting laziness," he added.

Isra has also known Tae Kwon Do martial arts since he was in Junior High School (SMP). There he learned from the basics until finally continuing to study at Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University by joining the Tae Kwon Do Student Activity Unit (UKM). To his friends, he also invited him to fight the feeling of laziness that usually comes when he wants to practice.

“Don't be lazy to practice because in order to achieve something, there must be effort and supported by prayer. Hopefully in the future, there will be another generation that excels at the UHW Perbanas campus and is always supported by the campus," he hoped. (fdc/eko/humas)

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