Dahlan Iskan Appreciation of the Syariah Business of Perbanas Students

Sunday, 10 February 2019     View: 8228

Dahlan Iskan Apresiasi Bisnis Syariah Mahasiswa PerbanasThe Bachelor of Sharia Economics (HMJES) Student Association STIE Perbanas Surabaya held a National Seminar themed "The Role of Sharia Business in National Economic Progress". The event was the highlight of the 2019 Sharia Economic Festival event. Located at the Bromo Hotel Sahid Room in Surabaya, the attending seminar participants were dominated by Islamic economics students and the general public.

Meanwhile, the speaker presented by a businessman named Prof. Dr. (H.C.) Dahlan Iskan. Here, it is more encouraging to share and motivate all participants to start a business. Finally, the seminar was packaged in discussion activities, where students and lecturers exchanged ideas in building a sharia business to progress the national economy.

One of the students, Mahesa conveyed the idea that he wanted to develop his business by moving in the sharia cooperative sector. The HMJES manager and his colleagues at the association wanted to prove that Islamic economics can be large and have an impact on the interests of the people.

Then, met after the event, Dahlan Iskan also greatly appreciated the sharia business concept that Mahesa wanted to develop with her team. When a business is managed together, it is necessary to appoint one person as a manager to manage the business. "As stated earlier (during the seminar), because the business is for practice. So, they need to appoint managers, namely entrepreneur managers, "he ordered.

One lecturer in Sharia Economics, Dr. Ika Yunia Fauzia, M.E.I, Lc., Added that the opportunity for sharia business was very broad. According to him, the Islamic business is not limited to banking. Because the position of the Islamic economy is actually seen by many people. As applied in Lombok, bringing the concept of Halal Tourism business to get appreciation at the international level.

"Indirectly, with the existence of Halal Tourism it opened a new tourist niche. In fact, Korea is also buming to promote halal tourism because they want to be visited by Muslim tourists. So, when visited by Muslim tourists they can provide halal food, the prayer is easy, and there is a guarantee for comfortable travel, "he concluded. (Eko.r)

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