SUPERIOR Accredited Master of Management Study Program from BAN-PT


Take a peek at the Webinar Lessons from Vietnam's Industrialization .....

Monday, 10 January 2022     View: 4178

The Master of Management again held a webinar with an extraordinary theme on Saturday, January 8, 2022. The webinar with the title “Lessons from Industrialization in Vietnam'' invited a resource person from the Indonesian Embassy in Hanoi, Vietnam, namely Mr. Ferry Murdiansyah who served as the 1st Secretary for Economic and Political Affairs of the Indonesian Embassy. Hanoi. This activity was also guided by a very extraordinary moderator. He is a lecturer as well as a practitioner, namely Prof. Drs. Ec. Abdul Mongid, MA., P.hD. This webinar was opened by Prof. Dr. Tatik Suryani, P.Sc., MM as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Hayam Wuruk University, Perbanas.

The material presented by Mr. Ferry was very interesting where in his presentation he explained various topics that could be lessons for Indonesia to improve the economy. The points conveyed were extraordinary, starting with discussing Economic Reforms in Vietnam, Automotive as a Strategic Industry for Vietnam, Vinfast: Some Facts, Launching EV Vinfast, Vinfast's Future Steps, and Lessons Learned for Indonesia. The important point conveyed was how Indonesia can learn from industrialization in Vietnam starting from increasing the mindset such as no longer a factory but an industry, skilled workforce as researchers and scientists and many more.
The enthusiasm of the participants who attended was also extraordinary, because there were several participants who asked the resource persons. Participants who attended came from various circles ranging from undergraduate students, masters students, lecturers and the general public. The Master of Management is increasingly consistent in organizing webinars with interesting themes to broaden the knowledge of students and lecturers and provide benefits to the community through activities. (TDP)

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