Festival on Bajulan, Entertaining Residents Amid the Pandemic.

Sunday, 12 September 2021     View: 6656

The Student Executive Board (BEM) of Hayam Wuruk University (UHW) Perbanas organized the Festival on Bajulan. This event is part of the series of activities under the Holistic Village Development and Empowerment Program (PHP2D) funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) in 2021. This was conveyed by the Project Coordinator, Nidhom Hidayatulloh Siswoyo.
According to Nidhom, the purpose of the Festival in Bajulan Village, Loceret District, Nganjuk Regency, is to initiate good relations with the local residents. Considering that for the next three months, UHW Perbanas students will be actively engaged in the village to establish the Nusantara Generation Room. "This activity is initiated in the spirit of independence, thus providing the same spirit amidst the pandemic to the residents of Bajulan Village," explained Nidhom during the event held on Sunday, September 12th.
He further detailed that participants in the competitions ranged from children to mothers from Dukuh Puguh who were involved in the Family Welfare Development (PKK) in Bajulan Village. Competitions for children included: chicken scratch fighting, futsal, relay races with rubber bands and water. Meanwhile, for the PKK mothers, there were competitions such as putting nails into bottles, futsal in house dresses, and pot racing competitions.
"We were also assisted by the youth from the karang taruna organization, making the competition even more lively and exciting. Moreover, the elementary school students and karang taruna youth will be our focus in the Nusantara Generation Room activities within the PHP2D program of BEM UHW Perbanas," he added.
Meanwhile, Lauji, the Coordinator of PKK Mothers in Bajulan Village, admitted that the competition was able to entertain the residents in her area. Their faces were seen happy and enthusiastic in participating in various competitions at Bajulan State Elementary School. "Alhamdulillah, the event created by our student friends has brought enthusiasm to the mothers. And also, there is entertainment for all of us," she expressed.
While adhering to health protocols, the Festival on Bajulan was successfully held. The competition activities concluded with the awarding of prizes to the participants who won the competitions. (PR)

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