Held a Digital Banking Learning Workshop, Vocational Teachers in Surabaya are Enthusiastic
The Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University Management Undergraduate Study Program held a Digital Learning Workshop in the World of Banking Education. This activity is given to all teachers who are members of the Surabaya City Accounting and Banking Subject Teacher Consultation (MGMP). The event, which was attended by more than 40 teachers, aims to improve the competence of teachers at the SMK level throughout the city of Surabaya. However, this workshop was also opened for a number of areas in East Java, including: Ponogoro, Madiun, and Jember.
The Chairperson of the Accounting and Banking MGMP, Bagus Permadi, M.Pd., said that this webinar is useful to equip and broaden the knowledge of educators or teachers in schools, both accounting and banking teachers. “For this webinar meeting, we really and in essence want to provide knowledge and insight to all of our friends, both friends in Accounting and in Banking. They (teachers) will be able to pass this knowledge on to our students so that they become successful children," Bagus hoped during the webinar on Saturday, (04/09).
Meanwhile, the Dean of the UHW Perbanas Faculty of Economics and Business, Prof. Dr. Tatik Suryani, M.M., Psi., expressed his gratitude to the teachers for giving their trust in workshop activities related to digital learning and the banking world. “We are very open from the faculty, very open to other programs as long as we can do it. For example, lecturers can provide material and make digital learning more fun, interesting quizzes, and others. So, we hope that this collaboration will not stop here, we are very open to the needs of these teachers in schools, so we will discuss them in faculties and study programs, so that later we can schedule the form of the event," said Tatik Suryani to the teachers participating in the workshop. .
In this activity, resource persons related to Digital Learning were delivered by Achmad Saiful Ulum, S.AB., M.AB. It provides tips and guidelines related to learning resources to learning practices that can be used by teachers to make it more attractive for students to accept. Then, Evi Sistiyarini, S.E., M.M., as the second resource person delivered digital learning related to banking laboratories. In his presentation, Lab. Bank UHW Perbanas is already digital-based and easily accessible anywhere as long as it has an internet network.
During the workshop, the teachers were given the opportunity to learn about the digital banking learning process. By accessing the provided website, teachers can simulate bank lab learning. As stated by Evi Sistiyarini, the teachers practice Accounting lessons which are usually carried out by the Banking Back Office. "If you want to develop a Lab Bank in SMK, we are ready to collaborate," concluded Evi Sistiyarini. (eko/hms)