Vision & Mission


To become a leading, superior and global-minded university that contributes graduates and knowledge to the nation's competitiveness


  • Carry out education and teaching to produce graduates who have a competitive advantage in the financial technology business with a global perspective;
  • Conduct research to produce science and technology that is contributive in the area of financial technology, business, and community service to improve people's welfare;
  • Establish sustainable cooperation with various relevant parties, both domestic and abroad in implementing the TriDharma (Three Pillars of Higher Education which are teaching, research and community services);
  • Carry out governance that creates an academic atmosphere oriented towards sound, dynamic, and friendly university governance.


1. Produce graduates who:

  • master and are able to apply concepts and theories on economics, business, engineering, and visual communication design;
  • are able to analyze and provide advice on problem solving in business and banking;
  • have enhanced knowledge, skills and expertise in the area of information technology, foreign languages and financial services to support the profession they will engage in; and
  • have a friendly attitude, communicative, leadership spirit and a strong personality to support success in social life and uphold the professional code of ethics.


2. Generate knowledge through research and research dissemination, and community service that is of high quality and beneficial to the welfare of society.

3. Establish sustainable cooperation with various relevant parties, both at domestic and abroad along with the implementing of TriDharma (Three Pillars of Higher Education)

4. Create sound management governance based on the culture and values of UHW Perbanas leading to the dynamic and friendly academic atmosphere.


1. UHW Perbanas develops organizational culture and values that function as differentiators from other organizations, adhesives for the academic community, control mechanisms in shaping attitudes and behavior of the academic community, and a unifying and communication tool for UHW Perbanas.
2. The development of UHW Perbanas culture is directed at the realization and maintenance of five Perbanas UHW cultures that are supported by values, namely:

a. continuous improvement means that in realizing the Vision of UHW Perbanas every member of the organization must always uphold the importance of improvement in all aspects by prioritizing innovative, creative, and consistent values;
b. future orientation, which means that continuous improvement must be oriented towards short, medium, long and global interests by prioritizing idealistic, systematic, measurable, sustainability, and holistic values;
c. best results, meaning that continuous improvement needs to be supported by the best work of every member of the organization based on the values ​​of integrity, hard work, effectiveness and efficiency, discipline, sincerity and commitment;
d. mutual respect, meaning that continuous improvement needs to be accompanied by behavior that respects and respects other parties as partners, and treats them according to their dignity as human beings based on empathy, togetherness values ​​and humility; and
e. caring and environmentally friendly, implies that the quality of the environment is a shared responsibility, so that every member of the organization is obliged to maintain and maintain the environment, which is based on the values ​​of caring, cleanliness, order, harmony, friendliness and friendship.

3. Every member of the organization is obliged to develop and realize thoughts, words and actions according to the culture and values of the National Education Association of Indonesia.

The Leading Business and Banking School

Kampus Wonorejo : Jl. Wonorejo Utara 16 Rungkut, Surabaya
Kampus Nginden    : Jl. Nginden Semolo 34-36, Surabaya

Telp. (031) 5947151, (031) 5947152, (031) 87863997
Fax. (031)-87862621 WhatsApp (chat) 
Email: [email protected] atau [email protected]

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