Pada hari Jumat (02/12/2022), telah dilaksanakan kuliah tamu dengan pemateri dari PT Pegadaian di Ruang Aula, Gedung C, Lantai 10 UHW Perbanas. Kuliah tamu tersebut mengangkat tema “Ruang Lingkup dan Peran Pegadaian pada Perekonomi... Detail
Surabaya (25/11) – After previously visiting UC, the International Business Management program of UC conducted a benchmarking visit to FEB UHW Perbanas. This time, the topic discussed was the conversion of final assignments for students in the Faculty of Economics and Busine... Detail
Cooperation among universities is essential to achieve excellent accreditation. In addition, the Tridarma activities are also used to disseminate knowledge and strengthen the character of lecturers and students at each university. The University of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas (UHW Perban... Detail
On Thursday (10/11/2022), a collaboration in journal management took place in Room C401, Building C, the University of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas. The meeting involved the management teams of the Journal of Management from the University of Trunojoyo Madura and the jo... Detail
Pada Maret 2022, UHW Perbanas telah menjalin kerja sama kelembagaan dengan Dinas Koperasi, Usaha Kecil dan Menengah, Perindustrian, dan Perdagangan (Diskopukmperindag) Kota Mojokerto. Kerja sama ini adalah perihal Pelaksanaan Program Pen... Detail